MONDAY: Prison Phone Calls, Scott Angelle, and the Rolling Stone Retraction


Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell comments on the article in the New York Times about the rising price of prison phone calls.  

Campbell ran for governor in 2007.  He comments, "I think we'll have a man on Mars before Bobby Jindal is president."  Campbell identifies himself as a populist.  

He comments on the reactions of the candidates for governor about the oil processing tax.  

"Everybody is scared of the sheriff and everybody is scared of the political fallout," Campbell says about the prison phone calls' high prices.  "I think we need to take a real good look at our prison systems in Louisiana," he continues, "I'd like to know where every dime is spent." He says that because there is only one phone for prisoners to use, there is a monopoly.  



Political Consultant Roy Fletcher is representing Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle.  Fletcher joins Jim today to talk about Angelle's campaign.

"I frankly think that it can be done.  I don't think we're about ready to anoint David Vitter for governor."  

"I think you've got two tough shirts, both lawyers, and then you got Scott Angelle who graduated in land management... he's a workerbee...  not a man of any wealth."  

A listener says, "Vitter makes my skin crawl."

"If you want anything to get done in this state, you're going have to reach across the aisle and help each other." 

He says he does not feel confident commenting on the budget.  

Right-Wing Media Analyst James Hirsen joins us today to discuss the Rolling Stone retraction regarding the fraternity scandal.  

He comments also on the Brian Williams scandal and the different treatment of Bill O'Reilly.

He asserts that Rolling Stone will not recover from this.  He calls it "reckless reporting," and "borders on being intentional."

"We now live in a world where the notion of journalistic ethics is so low, we see it across the board."   

FRIDAY: Homeless Awareness, The Stock Market, and the LA Governor's Election


Author Jennifer Barnes Maggio shares her books with us and her experiences as a homeless single mother.  "If we talk about poverty or abuse or education or crime, all of those things are directly or indirectly related to single mothers."  She continues, "Statistics support that a traditional family home is better... but that's not to say there aren't single mothers who shatter statistics."  Her father was married six times, and "that's not to count all the girlfriends and mistresses." 

Her organization has 1500 single mom support groups.  

Maggio says, "I was a single mom for seven and a half years.  I worked three jobs and went to school full time." 

"I think you can be a Republican, a Democrat, an Independent, or have no political opinion at all and be good with God."  Maggio says of what she has learned of her own experiences, "No one moment defines you.  You're not your parents.  You're not what side of the track you were born on."

B. F. Anderson comments on stocks.  "Of the European markets, Germany is really starting to improve." 

"The strength of the U.S. dollar is having an impact on exports," Anderson says.  

If the Iran Deal is signed, oil prices could drop to $30 dollars a barrel.  

"You need to choose things that look like it'll double your money." 


Former Chair of the Democratic Party Buddy Leach comments on recent political events.  

He discusses Governor Jindal's political career in Louisiana.  "In a run off, I do not think that a candidate with Vitter's right wing philosophy will win."  He continues, "This election will not be won by who has the most money."

Leach also discusses why Mary Landrieu lost in the Senate race against Bill Cassidy.  He says, "I don't think the people were ready to vote for a minority governor." 

A listener asks which Leach finds the most palatable of the republican candidates.  He says, "There is no way from the expressed views of Sen. Vitter that I could support him."  He also says, "Jay Dardenne is a fine fellow but I have not seen his leadership skills." 

"I think the national scene has brought about this situation in Louisiana."  Leach thinks that some of the Christian right wing votes will be go to John Bel Edwards.  He does not feel that religion will determine the outcome of the governor's race.

"If we are going to meet the requirements of a state government, we have to have an idea about how we could work a new equitable program out," Leach says of the new budget plans.  

Leach also discusses the outcome of cheaper oil and how this will affect the job market.  

THURSDAY: Abortion, Steve Jobs, the Louisiana Legislative Session, and Iran


Political Consultant Gus Weill comments on the Iran Deal.  He calls the deal a "treaty."  It calls for Iran to reduce and not have nuclear capacity.  "When the talking is through at that level, the next step is war," Weill says if the Iran Talks fail.  

A listener comments on the letter the 47 Republican senators sent to Iran to undermine President Obama.  

Weill comments on the recent religious freedom question in Indiana, Edwin Edwards, and the upcoming presidential election.  

Co-author Rick Tetzel shares his book Becoming Steve Jobs.  "I think it's a terrific book produced under intense pressure.  He was an outsider to the business." 

Brent Schlender had a 20+ year friendship with Steve Jobs.  "He wasn't, but he kept his family life very separated from his public life and his business life," Tetzeli continues, "He wanted to give his kids as close to a middle class upbringing as they could... given he was a billionaire." 

Tetzeli discusses Steve Jobs' legacies.  "I think that we can say for certain he is one of the three most important people in the computer revolution... I think we can say he transformed American business... quality of packaging and quality of product and design and style... I think the fact that American companies talk about the creativity of their workers now, you can attribute that to Apple." 

"He had a difficult time with his first daughter," Tetzeli says about Jobs' relationship with women, "He was a young father, and he denied his paternity." 


Journalist Tyler Bridges comments on the upcoming Louisiana legislative session.  "Great place to visit, but I would not want to live there. <Cuba>"  In December, President Obama and Castro announced they wanted to improve business ties, though there has been no real change since then.  Bridges says that he stayed in a house for 25 dollars a night which gives you a "more direct connection with the Cubans."  He says, "There are no traffic jams in Cuba... people are too poor to buy cars."

He comments on the upcoming legislative session and says that John Bel Edwards will be a key player despite democrats holding the minority.  

Opelousas Senator Elbert Guillory shares a story in which he took down a bear with a small knife to protect he and his son.  "We were engaged in mortal combat." 

Guillory filed a constitutional amendment that would let voters decide if life begins at conception. Guillory's proposed change to the constitution would give unborn children the same legal rights that all other people enjoy.
"We don't want to take anything away from anyone, any rights that are presently given by law, but we would like enshrine in our constitution that Louisiana is pro-life," Guillory said.

Guillory says this constitutional amendment would not make abortions illegal in Louisiana, but it lets the world know that Louisiana is a pro life state.
"We have tighten the laws on abortion very significantly in Louisiana, this does not go beyond that," Guillory said. 
Guillory says the constitutional amendment will also make abortions automatically illegal, if Roe versus Wade is overturned. The legislation is referred to as "personhood" but similar proposals have failed to pass in other states. But Guillory likes his chances in Louisiana. 
"We would like to make it very clear, that Louisiana is clearly, without question, pro life," Guillory said.  

"I think that Louisiana will either have Billy Nungesser or Elbert Guillory for Lieutenant Governor," Guillory says.    

WEDNESDAY: "The View From the Coast" with CPEX, Metro City Councilman John Delgado, and Louisiana Politics


Camille Manning Broome joins us from the Center for Planning Excellence to discuss "The View from the Coast."  "We met with over 61 elected officials," Broome said, "Our goal was to understand how risk reduction measures are being implemented currently."  She continues, "The one piece that is most challenging is acquisition or relocation of populations."  

"The Dutch are most efficient water management and protecting their communities," Broome says, "the Japanese have a lot more capability to rebuild after disasters." 

Metro City Councilman John Delgado called the supporters of the St. George movement "terrorists."  Will he be the next mayor of Baton Rouge?  

"I'm confirming the rumor that I'm running for mayor," Delgado says.  He graduated from Tulane Law School.  "I am for Jay," Delgado says, "I just think he'd be good for Baton Rouge." 

He is from Cuba.  "The average citizen in Cuba makes 20 dollars a month." 

He comments on illegal immigration.  

Delgado references also his past comments against St. George supporters.  "I think they are doing a disservice to the entire community." 

"I think we would be foolish to think that parochial schools take away from the resources of the East Baton Rouge parish school system." 

"I don't care if you're black, white, gay or straight, everyone should be treated the same." 


Commissioner of Elections Suzy Terrell and Political Consultant Trey Ourso join the show to discuss the upcoming governor's election.  

"I don't think he is unbeatable," Ourso says of David Vitter.  "We haven't had a competitive governor's race in a long time," Terrell points out.  

"If he couldn't beat Hillary in Louisiana it really shows how tired people are of his disconnect," Terrell says of Governor Jindal.  

Ourso asks why Governor Jindal is sending two of his top staffers to D.C. when we are about to enter what many are calling the toughest legislative session ever. 

Representative Dr. Boustany gave his support for Senator David Vitter.  

Terrell questions whether women voters will be more concerned for David Vitter.  Ourso says, "Do they want to risk someone with reckless behavior?" 

"If the race stays as it is today, I think you'll have a run off with Edwards and Vitter," Ourso says.  

Republicans hold 14 of the 15 top offices in the state.  

"I don't think you need 30 million for a Louisiana governor's race," Terrell says, "but it is key."

"If Obama says the sky is blue, Vitter is gonna say the sky 

TUESDAY: Indiana Religious Freedom Law, Clutter and Suffocation, New Catholic School, Professor Bob Mann


Author James Wallman starts the show with a discussion of clutter and materialism in his book Stuffocation.  "The problem is all this stuff is that it's filling up our homes and our lives, and it's not making us happy."

"Women who have too much stuff have too much cortisol," Wallman says.  He continues, referencing the original Mad Men in the 1920s, "The problem with overproduction was under consumption." 

Former Chancellor for Southern University Jim Llorens is joined by Father John Foley to discuss a potential new Catholic School in Baton Rouge from the Cristo Rey Network.  Jim Llorens is now the President of Cristo Rey.  It provides a Catholic, college prep education while allowing one day of white collar work a week for inner city students to help pay for tuition.  There are now twenty-eight schools around the country and potentially one in Baton Rouge in the fall of 2016.  Father John Foley founded the first of these schools.  

One of their students shares her experience with her Christo Rey high school and how it has helped her future plans.

Reverend Chris Andrews and Reverend David Diamond debate the Indiana Religious Freedom Law.  

"They want to impose their lifestyle on other people and scream discrimination," Rev. Diamond says of the gay community.

"I think people should have access to contraceptives if they wish to have it," Rev. Andrews says, "I don't think they should be forced to." 

Rev. Andrews disagrees with Rev. Diamond's statement that there is a war on God and suggests instead that God's word is there to encourage ever changing perspectives and relating.  

"I think if we could simply get to the point where we accept people for who they are, " Rev. Andrews says, "I think we would all be a lot richer." 

Rev. Diamond claims gay people on Third Street set dogs on him.  


Professor Bob Mann talks about his feud with Rolfe H. McCollister, Jr.

"It is kind of odd that a publisher who writes on politics and owns a newspaper and constantly defends Bobby Jindal who appointed him," Mann says in response to McCollister calling him out on a conflict of interest.  "He is saying that faculty members don't have the right to criticize the university," Mann continues, "That's a chilling statement."  

Mann accuses McCollister of threatening academic freedom.  "They have sat as quiet as mice as Jindal has systematically reduced funding for higher education." 

He also comments on the secret appointing of Stephen Moret to president and CEO of the LSU Foundation.  

Mann is an independent, not a democrat.  

"At the very least, I thought the board ought to be more represented by the population at large," Mann says, "There are 14 white men and 1 black woman." 

He says that the board does the bidding of Bobby Jindal.  

Mann also comments on Common Core.  Jim asks what Mann thinks the effect of the billion dollar hospital in New Orleans.  


MONDAY: Louisiana Lottery, Innovation in Louisiana, Hot Rod Hundley, and Representative Darrell Ourso


President and Chief Executive Officer Rose Hudson joins us from the Louisiana Lottery.  The Louisiana Lottery has a record turnover, the second in the nation.  There is over 35% turnover to the state.  The lottery made Louisiana $170 million last year.  She is also treasurer of the North American State Provincial Lotteries.  "Each year we have about 9 million dollars in unclaimed prizes... we give the players money back to them." 

She is not allowed to purchase a lottery ticket, nor is anyone on staff at the Louisiana Lottery.  Hudson says that the Jindal administration has publicly and rightful said that they will not sell the Louisiana Lottery.  "We've given out about 34 million dollars in prizes since 2012."  

"We're talking 446 million dollars in revenue," Hudson says in response to how many people play the lottery.  Rose Hudson is six feet tall.  

Tiger Rag Columnist Marty Mule remembers the legendary Hot Rod Hundley.  "I know he always thought that leaving New Orleans was a terrible decision."  Hot Rod Hundley was beloved by many.    


President of Public Affairs Research Council Robert Travis Scott discusses the Innovation in Louisiana: Maximizing Investment in University Research to Promote a Knowledge-Based Economy.  "It's not just an academic problem," Scott says.  "Louisiana Tech believe it or not has some of the best metrics in terms of leveraging the most commercial impacts of licenses... their spending is among the lowest in the state."  Scott praises LSU's engineering program.  

Scott has a degree in International Relations from South Carolina.

The Louisiana Legislative session begins in two weeks.  Scott says, "God help us."  

"A lot of these movie productions rent studios or people... people come from out of state and they don't stay here," Scott says.  He asserts that it is not beneficial to spend state money on a non resident of Louisiana.  

"I think he's experiencing a tough way to go," Scott says of Jindal, "we've had both spending and revenue practices that weren't the best." 

"There's no question about the fact that he has cut the budget," Scott says, "but when you're this desperate to fill the budget, it doesn't reflect well."  

"Jay Dardenne has a long history of really being able to understand a lot of the complexities of the state budget process," Scott says.

Representative Darrell Ourso recently won the Louisiana House seat against Buddy Amoroso by 72 votes.  "If we can get the process underway, we can hopefully be driving over that bridge in ten years or less." 

"I'm not for federal government taking over education," Ourso says.  He feels Common Core is a standard.  "We have to really look at the millions of dollars spent... do you start all over?"