WEDNESDAY: "The View From the Coast" with CPEX, Metro City Councilman John Delgado, and Louisiana Politics


Camille Manning Broome joins us from the Center for Planning Excellence to discuss "The View from the Coast."  "We met with over 61 elected officials," Broome said, "Our goal was to understand how risk reduction measures are being implemented currently."  She continues, "The one piece that is most challenging is acquisition or relocation of populations."  

"The Dutch are most efficient water management and protecting their communities," Broome says, "the Japanese have a lot more capability to rebuild after disasters." 

Metro City Councilman John Delgado called the supporters of the St. George movement "terrorists."  Will he be the next mayor of Baton Rouge?  

"I'm confirming the rumor that I'm running for mayor," Delgado says.  He graduated from Tulane Law School.  "I am for Jay," Delgado says, "I just think he'd be good for Baton Rouge." 

He is from Cuba.  "The average citizen in Cuba makes 20 dollars a month." 

He comments on illegal immigration.  

Delgado references also his past comments against St. George supporters.  "I think they are doing a disservice to the entire community." 

"I think we would be foolish to think that parochial schools take away from the resources of the East Baton Rouge parish school system." 

"I don't care if you're black, white, gay or straight, everyone should be treated the same." 


Commissioner of Elections Suzy Terrell and Political Consultant Trey Ourso join the show to discuss the upcoming governor's election.  

"I don't think he is unbeatable," Ourso says of David Vitter.  "We haven't had a competitive governor's race in a long time," Terrell points out.  

"If he couldn't beat Hillary in Louisiana it really shows how tired people are of his disconnect," Terrell says of Governor Jindal.  

Ourso asks why Governor Jindal is sending two of his top staffers to D.C. when we are about to enter what many are calling the toughest legislative session ever. 

Representative Dr. Boustany gave his support for Senator David Vitter.  

Terrell questions whether women voters will be more concerned for David Vitter.  Ourso says, "Do they want to risk someone with reckless behavior?" 

"If the race stays as it is today, I think you'll have a run off with Edwards and Vitter," Ourso says.  

Republicans hold 14 of the 15 top offices in the state.  

"I don't think you need 30 million for a Louisiana governor's race," Terrell says, "but it is key."

"If Obama says the sky is blue, Vitter is gonna say the sky