TUESDAY: Indiana Religious Freedom Law, Clutter and Suffocation, New Catholic School, Professor Bob Mann


Author James Wallman starts the show with a discussion of clutter and materialism in his book Stuffocation.  "The problem is all this stuff is that it's filling up our homes and our lives, and it's not making us happy."

"Women who have too much stuff have too much cortisol," Wallman says.  He continues, referencing the original Mad Men in the 1920s, "The problem with overproduction was under consumption." 

Former Chancellor for Southern University Jim Llorens is joined by Father John Foley to discuss a potential new Catholic School in Baton Rouge from the Cristo Rey Network.  Jim Llorens is now the President of Cristo Rey.  It provides a Catholic, college prep education while allowing one day of white collar work a week for inner city students to help pay for tuition.  There are now twenty-eight schools around the country and potentially one in Baton Rouge in the fall of 2016.  Father John Foley founded the first of these schools.  

One of their students shares her experience with her Christo Rey high school and how it has helped her future plans.

Reverend Chris Andrews and Reverend David Diamond debate the Indiana Religious Freedom Law.  

"They want to impose their lifestyle on other people and scream discrimination," Rev. Diamond says of the gay community.

"I think people should have access to contraceptives if they wish to have it," Rev. Andrews says, "I don't think they should be forced to." 

Rev. Andrews disagrees with Rev. Diamond's statement that there is a war on God and suggests instead that God's word is there to encourage ever changing perspectives and relating.  

"I think if we could simply get to the point where we accept people for who they are, " Rev. Andrews says, "I think we would all be a lot richer." 

Rev. Diamond claims gay people on Third Street set dogs on him.  


Professor Bob Mann talks about his feud with Rolfe H. McCollister, Jr.

"It is kind of odd that a publisher who writes on politics and owns a newspaper and constantly defends Bobby Jindal who appointed him," Mann says in response to McCollister calling him out on a conflict of interest.  "He is saying that faculty members don't have the right to criticize the university," Mann continues, "That's a chilling statement."  

Mann accuses McCollister of threatening academic freedom.  "They have sat as quiet as mice as Jindal has systematically reduced funding for higher education." 

He also comments on the secret appointing of Stephen Moret to president and CEO of the LSU Foundation.  

Mann is an independent, not a democrat.  

"At the very least, I thought the board ought to be more represented by the population at large," Mann says, "There are 14 white men and 1 black woman." 

He says that the board does the bidding of Bobby Jindal.  

Mann also comments on Common Core.  Jim asks what Mann thinks the effect of the billion dollar hospital in New Orleans.