MONDAY: Prison Phone Calls, Scott Angelle, and the Rolling Stone Retraction


Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell comments on the article in the New York Times about the rising price of prison phone calls.  

Campbell ran for governor in 2007.  He comments, "I think we'll have a man on Mars before Bobby Jindal is president."  Campbell identifies himself as a populist.  

He comments on the reactions of the candidates for governor about the oil processing tax.  

"Everybody is scared of the sheriff and everybody is scared of the political fallout," Campbell says about the prison phone calls' high prices.  "I think we need to take a real good look at our prison systems in Louisiana," he continues, "I'd like to know where every dime is spent." He says that because there is only one phone for prisoners to use, there is a monopoly.  



Political Consultant Roy Fletcher is representing Public Service Commissioner Scott Angelle.  Fletcher joins Jim today to talk about Angelle's campaign.

"I frankly think that it can be done.  I don't think we're about ready to anoint David Vitter for governor."  

"I think you've got two tough shirts, both lawyers, and then you got Scott Angelle who graduated in land management... he's a workerbee...  not a man of any wealth."  

A listener says, "Vitter makes my skin crawl."

"If you want anything to get done in this state, you're going have to reach across the aisle and help each other." 

He says he does not feel confident commenting on the budget.  

Right-Wing Media Analyst James Hirsen joins us today to discuss the Rolling Stone retraction regarding the fraternity scandal.  

He comments also on the Brian Williams scandal and the different treatment of Bill O'Reilly.

He asserts that Rolling Stone will not recover from this.  He calls it "reckless reporting," and "borders on being intentional."

"We now live in a world where the notion of journalistic ethics is so low, we see it across the board."