THURSDAY: Abortion, Steve Jobs, the Louisiana Legislative Session, and Iran


Political Consultant Gus Weill comments on the Iran Deal.  He calls the deal a "treaty."  It calls for Iran to reduce and not have nuclear capacity.  "When the talking is through at that level, the next step is war," Weill says if the Iran Talks fail.  

A listener comments on the letter the 47 Republican senators sent to Iran to undermine President Obama.  

Weill comments on the recent religious freedom question in Indiana, Edwin Edwards, and the upcoming presidential election.  

Co-author Rick Tetzel shares his book Becoming Steve Jobs.  "I think it's a terrific book produced under intense pressure.  He was an outsider to the business." 

Brent Schlender had a 20+ year friendship with Steve Jobs.  "He wasn't, but he kept his family life very separated from his public life and his business life," Tetzeli continues, "He wanted to give his kids as close to a middle class upbringing as they could... given he was a billionaire." 

Tetzeli discusses Steve Jobs' legacies.  "I think that we can say for certain he is one of the three most important people in the computer revolution... I think we can say he transformed American business... quality of packaging and quality of product and design and style... I think the fact that American companies talk about the creativity of their workers now, you can attribute that to Apple." 

"He had a difficult time with his first daughter," Tetzeli says about Jobs' relationship with women, "He was a young father, and he denied his paternity." 


Journalist Tyler Bridges comments on the upcoming Louisiana legislative session.  "Great place to visit, but I would not want to live there. <Cuba>"  In December, President Obama and Castro announced they wanted to improve business ties, though there has been no real change since then.  Bridges says that he stayed in a house for 25 dollars a night which gives you a "more direct connection with the Cubans."  He says, "There are no traffic jams in Cuba... people are too poor to buy cars."

He comments on the upcoming legislative session and says that John Bel Edwards will be a key player despite democrats holding the minority.  

Opelousas Senator Elbert Guillory shares a story in which he took down a bear with a small knife to protect he and his son.  "We were engaged in mortal combat." 

Guillory filed a constitutional amendment that would let voters decide if life begins at conception. Guillory's proposed change to the constitution would give unborn children the same legal rights that all other people enjoy.
"We don't want to take anything away from anyone, any rights that are presently given by law, but we would like enshrine in our constitution that Louisiana is pro-life," Guillory said.

Guillory says this constitutional amendment would not make abortions illegal in Louisiana, but it lets the world know that Louisiana is a pro life state.
"We have tighten the laws on abortion very significantly in Louisiana, this does not go beyond that," Guillory said. 
Guillory says the constitutional amendment will also make abortions automatically illegal, if Roe versus Wade is overturned. The legislation is referred to as "personhood" but similar proposals have failed to pass in other states. But Guillory likes his chances in Louisiana. 
"We would like to make it very clear, that Louisiana is clearly, without question, pro life," Guillory said.  

"I think that Louisiana will either have Billy Nungesser or Elbert Guillory for Lieutenant Governor," Guillory says.