04/03: Monday: Rebuild Louisiana, Don't Divorce, Joyce Burges, Eric Guirard


Julie Baxter Payer

Deputy Chief of Staff for Gov. John Bel Edwards joins the show to talk about Rebuild Louisiana.  The governor will be in Washington this week to stand before Congress to ask for money for those affected by the historic flooding last year.

Diane Medved, Ph.D.

Drawing on three decades of clinical and personal experience, Dr. Medved will show why you should save—and revitalize—your marriage. She expertly unmasks the threats to marriage, including hookup apps that promise non-committal sex, and legions of professionals who are financially invested in your divorce. She punctures one-by-one the arguments in favor of divorce, proving that "the good divorce" is a myth. 


Former Councilwoman Joyce Burges & Eric Guirard

Burges and Guirard join the show to talk about President Trump.  Guirard updates us on his former relationship that was terminated because of his political views and Joyce Burges describes the future of the African American community now that Trump is the President.

03/31 Friday: Rodney Walker, John Pojman, Shelby Prindaville, Troy Hebert and Lamar White

Hour One

Rodney Walker

Rodney Walker called-in to the show to discuss his journey of going from a child in foster care to graduating from Morehouse College and then on to Yale for graduate school. Rodney's story is very inspiring and he is now a sought after inspirational speaker. 

John Pojman and Shelby Prindaville

John Pojman is a LSU professor and Shelby Prindaville is the Art Program Director and Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Saint Mary in Kansas. They talked about a clay substance that Professor Pojman invented that Shelby decided to use for her art and in her classes for her students. 

Hour Two

Troy Hebert and blogger Lamar White discuss Donald Trump's first ten weeks. Troy Hebert represented the Republican Party and supported Trump while Lamar White was against Trump. 

03/30 Thursday: Mark Ballard, Amanda Goncu, Natalie Denby, Matt Walsh, Rabbi Barry Weinstein

Hour One

Mark Ballard


Mark Ballard returns to talk discuss the Governor John Bel Edwards and his tax plan that was unveiled yesterday.

Amanda Goncu and Natalie Denby

Amanda Goncu (pictured) and Natalie Denby are staff organizers for the Human Library, an event that will be held in April at the Art Council's Ebb and Flow Festival. The Human Library lets people check out human books where people share life stories and have one-on-one conversations. 

Hour Two

Matt Walsh

Matt Walsh is a conservative and is a frequent contributor to The Blaze (http://www.theblaze.com/matt-walsh/). He joined Jim on the air to talk about a new book he wrote titled, The Unholy Trinity: Blocking the Left's Assault on Life, Marriage and Gender.

Rabbi Barry Weinstein

Rabbi Barry Weinstein called in to discuss his support for Trump and why some Jewish people support him. 

03/29 Wednesday: BR General Dr. Cole, President of PAR, Clean Sweep EBR, Darrell Glasper & Reginald Pitcher


Dr. Kenny Cole

Dr. Kenneth Cole is the chief transformation officer at Baton Rouge General Medical Center. Cole joins the show to talk about the Affordable Care Act and the future of healthcare and insurance under President Trump.

Robert Travis Scott

Governor John Bel Edwards laid out his plan today for a new tax structure in Louisiana. President of PAR, Robert Travis Scott, describes the governor's plan and calls for better outcomes for individuals over businesses.

Rowdy Gaudet

Mayor-president Sharon Weston Broome, along with Keep Baton Rouge Beautiful and the Great American Cleanup, is hosting the first ever Mayor Broome's Clean Sweep EBR parish-wide cleanup event on Saturday, April 1. Her Chief Administrator Officer joins the show to give listeners more information about the Great Cleanup.


Darrell Glasper & Rev. Reginald Pitcher

Republican Darrell Glasper and Rev. Reginald Pitcher join the show to talk about President Donald Trump and discuss whether he has ties with Russia.

03/28 Tuesday: Marty Appel, James David Cain, David Diamond

Hour One

Marty Appel

Author Marty Appel joined Jim to discuss his latest worked. The book is titled Casey Stengel: Baseball's Greatest Character. The book is about Casey Stengel, former manager of the New York Yankees. 

James David Cain

James David Cain is former Louisiana State Senator and a retired farmer and rancher from Dry Creek. He was in office as senator from 1992-2008.  He received his Bachelor of Science  and Master of Science degrees from McNeese State University. He discussed his career, including and appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Show, on the air. 

Hour Two

David Diamond

Baton Rouge Minister David Diamond joined our show today after he could not make it for yesterday's show. He and Jim talked about a number of topics, including evangelical support for Donald Trump. 

03/27 Monday: More Alive and Less Lonely, Representative Ted James, Justice of Peace Moses Evans


Jonathan Lethem

Jonathan Lethem's book More Alive and Less Lonely collects over a decade of Lethem’s finest writing on writing, with new and previously unpublished material, including: impassioned appreciations of forgotten writers and overlooked books, razor-sharp critical essays, and personal accounts of his most extraordinary literary encounters and discoveries.

Rep. Ted James

Representative Ted James joins the show to talk about the upcoming Legislative session. James touches on the Alton Sterling decision, taxes and the possibility of a new bill that allows Mayor Broome to appoint a chief of police at her discretion. 


Moses Evans

Justice of the Peace Moses Evans joins the show to talk about his business since President Trump has been elected to office.  Evans says same sex marriages have been at an all-time high.