02/14 Tuesday: Karen Roy, General Russel Honore and Rick Mannning

Hour One

Karen Roy

Karen Roy shares her inspiring story of life in a wheelchair after being shot during a robbery in 1987. She was 19 years old at the time and has since lived a full life. She received her Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Louisiana State University and is the mother of three children.

Rick Manning

Manning is the President of Americans for Limited Government and joined the show to defend Michael Flynn and discuss why he thinks Flynn was done wrong. Manning also served as the Public Affairs Chief of Staff during the administration for George W. Bush.

Hour Two

General Russel Honore

General Russel Honore is known for being a hero during Hurricane Katrina. He served as commander of Joint Task Force Katrina and coordinating military relief efforts during Katrina. He graduated from Southern University in Baton Rouge.

02/13 Monday: Right on Crime, Hit Makers: The Science of Popularity, Sen. Sharon Hewitt, Tom Aswell


Elaine Ellerbe

Ellerbe, the Director of Right on Crime joins the show to talk about "operating smarter" when it comes to incarceration.  Right on Crime is a program devoted to being smart on crime rather than spending large amounts of taxpayers' money on incarceration.

Derek Thompson

Atlantic senior editor Derek Thompson uncovers the hidden psychology of why we like what we like and reveals the economics of cultural markets that invisibly shape our lives. Thompson's book, Hit Makers is a magical mystery tour through the last century of pop culture blockbusters and the most valuable currency of the twenty-first century—people’s attention.

Sharon Hewitt


Senator Sharon Hewitt joins the show to talk about Senator Troy Brown. Hewitt describes the opening day of the special session and how Brown's future will depend on the upcoming due process.


Tom Aswell

Louisiana Voice's Tom Aswell joins the show to discuss a few topics in the second hour of the show.  Aswell and Jim talk about Sen. Troy Brown, Michael Flynn, President Donald Trump and Putin.

02/10: Kenneth E. Miller, Cormac O'Brien, David Bellinger and Patrick McCarron

Hour One

Kenneth E. Miller

Miller is an author and joined the show to discuss his book, War Torn: Stories or Courage, Love, Resilience. Kenneth Miller is a psychologist and expert on the impact of war on civilians. He has worked with war impacted communities since 1991.

Cormac O'Brien

Cormac O'Brien is an author and discussed his book, Secret Lives of US Presidents: Strange Stories and Shocking Trivia From Inside the White House. O'Brien is the author of many other books and has made appearances on CNN, NPR and more. He was born in New York and currently lives in New Jersey.

Hour Two

David Bellinger and Patrick McCarron 

Regular callers and listeners turned into guests when David Bellinger and Patrick McCarron joined the show on opposite sides of the political spectrum to debate on Trump and other current issues. Bellinger is a resident of Atlanta and represented the left and McCarron joined in-studio as a resident of Baton Rouge to represent the right. 

02/09 Thursday: F. King Alexander, Mark Ballard, Mary Stein, Gus Weill

Hour One

F. King Alexander

F. King Alexander is the president and chancellor of Louisiana State University and stopped by to give us updates about what is happening on campus. He was previously the president of two other universities: California State University, Long Beach and Murray State University.

Mark Ballard


Mark Ballard of the Advocate joins the show to give updates on affairs going on in the state of Louisiana. Ballard is the editor of the Capitol News Bureau.

Hour Two

Mary Stein

Mary Stein is the Assistant Director, Administrative Services at the East Baton Rouge Parish Library. She joined the show to discuss Baton Rouge's bicentennial and its connection to Mark Twain.

Gus Weill


Political consultant and former PR specialist Gus Weill joined the show to discuss the presidency of Donald Trump. He originates from Lafayette, Louisiana and now resides in New York City. 

02/08 Wednesday: Roy Fletcher, A Mother's Reckoning, Mike Erwin v. Sammy's Grill


Roy Fletcher

Roy Fletcher, political consultant joins the show to talk about Donald Trump.  Fletcher hears comments from Roger Stone, and discusses The Bowling Green Massacre and 'alternative facts.' Fletcher spends the first hour accessing what we can continue to expect from the President.


Sue Klebold

Sue Klebold joins the show with her book, A Mother's Reckoning.  She chronicles her journey as a mother trying to come to terms with her son's actions. In the hope that the insights and understanding she has gained may help other families recognize when a child is in distress, she draws upon her personal journals, the videos and writings that Dylan left behind, and on countless interviews with mental health experts.

Dr. Ernest Johnson

NCAAP President Ernest Johnson joins the show to talk about the incident involving judge Mike Erwin and Kaneitra Johnson at Sammy's Grill.

02/07 Tuesday: Michael Bertaut and Barry Lynn

Hour One

Michael Bertaut

Michael Bertaut has had 25 years of analytical experience in healthcare. He is currently the Healthcare Economist and Exchange Coordinator at Blue Cross Blue Shield. He joined the show to discuss the status of the Affordable Care Act and address concerns for Louisiana residents.

Hour Two

Rev. Barry Lynn

Rev. Barry Lynn is an ordained minister in the United Church of Christ and the executive director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State. The organization is based in Washington D.C. and wants to preserve the religious liberties that the Constitution provides.