02/06 Monday: Super Bowl Ad Review, Col. Rob Maness, The Making of the President 2016, Carnival


Dr. Jensen Moore

Jensen Moore teaches courses in public relations at the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Oklahoma. Moore previously worked at LSU's Manship School of Mass Communication where she taught courses in strategic communication, served as Faculty Adviser for PRSSA at LSU, imPRint Communications, and the Manship Bateman Team.  Moore joins the show to review some of the commercials from Super Bowl LI.

Col. Rob Maness

Col. Rob Maness assess the actions of President Trump since he has been in office. Maness describes his delight in Pres. Trump's cabinet choices and GatorPAC, a federal political action committee. 


Roger Stone

Roger Stone, a New York Times bestselling author, longtime political adviser and friend to Donald Trump, and consummate Republican strategist, comes the first in-depth examination of how Trump’s campaign tapped into the national mood to deliver a stunning victory that almost no one saw coming.

Brian Costello

In Carnival in Louisiana, Brian J. Costello offers Mardi Gras fans an insider's look at the customs associated with this popular holiday and travels across the state to explore each area's festivities.

02/03 Friday: Broderick Bagert, The You I've Never Known, Jeremy White, The Path


Broderick Bagert

Together Baton Rouge is a broad-based coalition of congregations and community-based organizations in the Greater Baton Rouge area, with the capacity to address community problems. Broderick Bagert is the lead organizer at Together BR and he joins the show to talk about Mayor Broome's new policies for police officers.

Ellen Hopkins

Hopkins joins the show to talk about her book, The You I've Never Known. The book is a memorable portrait of two young women trying to make sense of their lives and coming face to face with themselves—for both the last and the very first time.


Jeremy White

White is the creator and publisher of The Red Shtick, a political satirical online magazine. White and Jim talk about President Trump's wall, wife and what's happening in the White House now.

Christine Gross-Loh

Christine Gross-Loh is a journalist and author. Her most recent book is The Path: What Chinese Philosophers Can Teach Us About the Good Life, coauthored with Professor Michael Puett.

02/02 Thursday: Mark Ballard and Jim Brown

Hour One

Mark Ballard

The Advocate's Capitol News Bureau Chief joined the show to chat on in-state affairs. Mark and Jim discussed the newly elected Mayor-President, Gov. John Bel Edwards, state budgeting and Alton Sterling.

Hour Two

Jim Brown

Former Secretary of State Jim Brown joined the show to discuss Donald Trump, Alton Sterling and other current events going on in the world. He is a political commentator and consultant in Baton Rouge and is involved in Louisiana Democratic politics.

02/01 Wednesday: Loren Scott, Tony Guarisco, Ben Bagert

Hour 1: 

Loren Scott

LSU Economist Loren Scott chats with Jim about the future of the country's economy under the Trump administration. Scott says it's good news that Trump wants to reduce taxes. But Scott also says Trump seems to be anti-trade. 

Hour 2:

Tony Guarisco and Ben Bagert

Former state senator and Republican attorney Ben Bagert and former Democratic state senator Tony Guarisco discuss Trump's presidency and his U.S. Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch of Colorado. Bagert supports the president's decision. The two also chat about President Trump's travel ban. 

01/31 Tuesday: Peter Hook, Quin Hillyer, Melissa Flournoy and Elbert Guillory

Hour One

Peter Hook

Peter Hook is the co-founder and bassist for Rock groups Joy Division and New Order. The English rock ban Joy Division changed their name to New Order following the death of their lead singer in 1980. They are best known for their song Blue Monday. He discussed his new book Substance: Inside New Order on the show. 

Quin Hillyer

Quin Hillyer is a columnist and conservative and joined the show to talk a bout Trump's presidency and his picks for cabinet positions.

Hour Two

Melissa Flournoy and Elbert Guillory

Former lawmaker Marissa Flournoy and former Louisiana State Rep. Elbert Guilliory debated on opposite sides of Donald Trump. Guillory is a Republican and supporter of Trump and Flournoy is in opposition. 

01/30 Monday: Ann McElhinney, Living on Automatic, Rev. Gene Mills


Ann McElhinney

In 2013, Dr Kermit Gosnell was convicted of killing four people, including three babies, but is thought to have killed hundreds more in a 30-year killing spree. Ann McElhinney's book, Gosnell reveals the investigation that brought Kermit Gosnell to justice. What started as a routine drug investigation, turned into a shocking unmasking of America's biggest serial killer.

Dr. Christine Adams

Dr. Christine Adams' book, Living On Automatic: How Emotional Conditioning Shapes Our Lives and Relationships, offers a groundbreaking new concept of personalities and relationships.  Dr. Adams describes signs of attraction and what could possibly be detrimental to a relationship.


Gene Mills

Gene Mills is President of the Louisiana Family Forum. Mills joins the show to talk with Jim about Donald Trump's executive orders and assess Trump's first 10 days in office.