02/06 Monday: Super Bowl Ad Review, Col. Rob Maness, The Making of the President 2016, Carnival


Dr. Jensen Moore

Jensen Moore teaches courses in public relations at the Gaylord College of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Oklahoma. Moore previously worked at LSU's Manship School of Mass Communication where she taught courses in strategic communication, served as Faculty Adviser for PRSSA at LSU, imPRint Communications, and the Manship Bateman Team.  Moore joins the show to review some of the commercials from Super Bowl LI.

Col. Rob Maness

Col. Rob Maness assess the actions of President Trump since he has been in office. Maness describes his delight in Pres. Trump's cabinet choices and GatorPAC, a federal political action committee. 


Roger Stone

Roger Stone, a New York Times bestselling author, longtime political adviser and friend to Donald Trump, and consummate Republican strategist, comes the first in-depth examination of how Trump’s campaign tapped into the national mood to deliver a stunning victory that almost no one saw coming.

Brian Costello

In Carnival in Louisiana, Brian J. Costello offers Mardi Gras fans an insider's look at the customs associated with this popular holiday and travels across the state to explore each area's festivities.