08/24 Thursday: Veronica Henry, Mike Graham, Mark Ballard, Kym Carter, Troy Hebert

Hour 1:

Veronica Henry

"Emilia has just returned to her idyllic Cotswold hometown to rescue the family business. Nightingale Books is a dream come true for book-lovers, but the best stories aren't just within the pages of the books she sells - Emilia's customers have their own tales to tell. There's the lady of the manor who is hiding a secret close to her heart; the single dad looking for books to share with his son but who isn't quite what he seems; and the desperately shy chef trying to find the courage to talk to her crush"- Amazon

Mike Graham

Former WAFB weatherman, Mike Graham, joins Jim in studio to talk about the 25th anniversary of Hurricane Andrew. Graham also comments on the incoming Hurricane Harvey and its potential impacts to the Bayou State. 

Mark Ballard

Mark Ballard with the Advocate chats with Jim during his weekly appearance on the show. Ballard comments on Hurricane Harvey. Ballard also discusses higher education and the state's budget problems. 

Hour 2:

Kym Carter & Troy Hebert

Former 1992 Olympian, Kym Carter, faces off against, former state lawmaker and ATC commissioner, Troy Hebert, about President Donald Trump. 

05/18 Thursday: Bryce G. Hoffman, Mark Ballard, Melissa Flournoy, Troy Hebert

Hour One

Bryce G. Hoffman


Bryce G. Hoffman is an author, strategic advisor, speaker and management consultant. Hoffman's recently published book is, Red Teaming: How Your Business Can Conquer the Competition by Challenging the Everything. He is also the author of a four other published books.

Mark Ballard


Mark Balllard of the Advocate joined Jim as the second guest to discuss the Black Caucus walking out of the House, lawmakers upholding the death penalty, the House Committee passing a gas tax and more.

Hour Two

Melissa Flournoy and Troy Hebert

Melissa Flournoy and Louisiana politician Troy Hebert, gave their take on the latest involving President Donald Trump. Flournoy is the former Director of Planned Parenthood Gulf Cost and Hebert is the former Commissioner of the Louisiana Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control. 

03/31 Friday: Rodney Walker, John Pojman, Shelby Prindaville, Troy Hebert and Lamar White

Hour One

Rodney Walker

Rodney Walker called-in to the show to discuss his journey of going from a child in foster care to graduating from Morehouse College and then on to Yale for graduate school. Rodney's story is very inspiring and he is now a sought after inspirational speaker. 

John Pojman and Shelby Prindaville

John Pojman is a LSU professor and Shelby Prindaville is the Art Program Director and Assistant Professor of Art at the University of Saint Mary in Kansas. They talked about a clay substance that Professor Pojman invented that Shelby decided to use for her art and in her classes for her students. 

Hour Two

Troy Hebert and blogger Lamar White discuss Donald Trump's first ten weeks. Troy Hebert represented the Republican Party and supported Trump while Lamar White was against Trump. 

02/28 Tuesday: Brandon Sneed, Tim Vos, Troy Hebert and Leo Honeycutt

Hour One

Brandon Sneed


Brandon Sneed is an author and journalist based in North Carolina. He has had articles published in publications like CNN, GQ, ESPN, etc. His book Head in the Game: The Mental Engineering of the World's Greatest Athletes was published today on February 28th and he discusses it on air.

Tim Vos


Tim Vos is an associate professor and chair of the journalism studies faculty at the Missouri School of Journalism. He is a research coordinator the Journalism School's Global Programs office. Vos discussed the media, democracy and Trump's first address to Congress.

Hour Two

Troy Hebert and Leo Honeycutt


Hebert and Honeycutt go on air to discuss Trump's first address to Congress happening tonight on February 28. Leo Honeycutt is a veteran journalist and Troy Hebert is a former Senator and supporter of Donald Trump. 

10/04 Tuesday: Deni Ellis Béchard, Gus Weill, Troy Hebert, Tony Guarisco

Hour One

Deni Ellis Béchard

The Canadian-American author joins the show to discuss his new fiction novel, "Into the Sun" set in Afghanistan. Béchard has written many other and his written for publications such as The LA Times, The Harvard Review, The National Post and more.

Gus Weill


Gus Weill returns to the show to discuss the 2016 presidential race and his take LSU Football's Coach O. Weill is a political consultant and a former public relations specialist. He graduated from Louisiana State University and established the first PR/advertising firm in Baton Rouge in 1958.

Hour 2

Troy Hebert and Tony Guarisco


The two former State Senators join the show to talk about the VP debate airing October 4. Hebert is the former Commissioner of the Louisiana Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control and was elected for three terms as Democrat to the Louisiana House of Representatives. Guarisco served as a Democratic State Senator from 1976-1988. 

08/09 Tuesday: The Microbiome Solution, Ron Faucheux, Dr. John Fleming, Hebert files suit against Polling firm


Dr. Robynne Chutkan

Dr. Robynne Chutkan talks about her book, The Microbiome Solution.  The book explains how the standard Western diet and lifestyle are starving our microbiome and depleting the “good bugs” that keep us healthy and encouraging overgrowth of the wrong type of bacteria. 

Ron Faucheux

 An author and political analyst, Ron Faucheux is president of Clarus Research Group, a nonpartisan market research firm that has done polling for The Advocate and WWL-TV. He joins the show to talk about Louisiana being a Republican state.


Dr. John Fleming

Congressman Fleming joins Jim the show to discuss the Senate race and the Presidential candidates. Fleming is a supporter of Trump and explains why he would make a better commander and chief. 

Troy Hebert

Former Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commissioner Troy Hebert filed his lawsuit Tuesday in Baton Rouge district court against Southern Media and Opinion Research poll and pollster Bernie Pinsonat.  Hebert joins the show to validate his case.