08/09 Tuesday: The Microbiome Solution, Ron Faucheux, Dr. John Fleming, Hebert files suit against Polling firm


Dr. Robynne Chutkan

Dr. Robynne Chutkan talks about her book, The Microbiome Solution.  The book explains how the standard Western diet and lifestyle are starving our microbiome and depleting the “good bugs” that keep us healthy and encouraging overgrowth of the wrong type of bacteria. 

Ron Faucheux

 An author and political analyst, Ron Faucheux is president of Clarus Research Group, a nonpartisan market research firm that has done polling for The Advocate and WWL-TV. He joins the show to talk about Louisiana being a Republican state.


Dr. John Fleming

Congressman Fleming joins Jim the show to discuss the Senate race and the Presidential candidates. Fleming is a supporter of Trump and explains why he would make a better commander and chief. 

Troy Hebert

Former Alcohol and Tobacco Control Commissioner Troy Hebert filed his lawsuit Tuesday in Baton Rouge district court against Southern Media and Opinion Research poll and pollster Bernie Pinsonat.  Hebert joins the show to validate his case.