12/12 Monday: Michelle Southern, Rannah Gray, Earl Casey & Bob Mann


Michelle Southern

Assistant News Director at Louisiana Radio Network, Michelle opens the show with a recap of numbers from the elections this past weekend.  Michelle talks about the congressional races around the state, the taxes that were shot down in EBR parish and Sharon Weston Broome's triumph.

Rannah Gray

Author and public relations consultant joins the show to talk about Sharon Weston Broome winning the mayoral race.  Gray talks about Broome's obstacles while coming into office as the first woman Mayor of Baton Rouge.  She also describes party relations and their relevancy to those it represents.


Bob Mann & Earl Casey

Bob Mann is in studio and Earl Casey joins the show over the phone.  Mann and Casey join Rannah in discussing politics in the media and how fake news has revolutionized, changing the way people receive information.

08/29 Monday: Familiar Evil, Louisiana Sec. of State, Attorney Phil Preis


Rannah Gray

Gray is the author of Familiar Evil, which reveals details of the hunt for Scott Rogers. This is a story told by those inside the investigation with the help of heroic British survivors of Scott Rogers’ abuse. Gray visits with Jim about the story that unfolded in Baton Rouge a few years ago on this show.

Tom Schedler

Sec. of State, Schedler discusses voting and how they are finding innovative new ways for those relocated by the storm to cast their vote in the 2016 election.


Phil Preis

Attorney Phil Preis joins the show on the 11th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina to talk about the financial component and effects of the flood in Baton Rouge.

11/30 Monday: Obesity and Navigating Holiday Temptations, Rannah Gray on Scott Rogers, and Les Miles


Catherine Carmichael 

Cathy Carmichael is a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator.  She shares some tips about how to avoid all those sugary holiday calories and maintain proper nutrition, ideas for working in exercise, suggestions for working in exercise to holiday travel and how our community policies can improve our health. 

Rannah Gray is President of Marmillion/Gray Media, an advertising and public relations firm she founded with Val Marmillion that specializes in developing unique brands and creative campaigns for clients.  She was named one of the "Top 100 Influencers" in Louisiana by Politics Magazine.  Gray was a former associate Athletic Director at LSU.  She speaks about Scott Rogers, the late local TV host in her new book Familiar Evil. 


Marty Mule 

Marty Mule is a columnist for Tiger Rag Magazine.  He comments on the reaction following the 'almost' termination of Les Miles' position as LSU's football coach.  

Steve Myers

Steve Myers is the founder of Tiger Rag Magazine.  He discusses the saga of Les Miles with Marty Mule.