10/27: Rick Gallot, Kevin Cope, Darrell Glasper, Tony Brown

Hour 1:

Rick Gallot

President of Grambling State University Rick Gallot joins the show to comment on the fatal shooting on campus early Wednesday morning. GSU Freshman Jaylin Wayne was arrested in connection to the deaths of Earl Andrews and Monquiarious Caldwell. Andrews was a student at Grambling. 

Kevin Cope

LSU Professor and former Faculty Senate President Kevin Cope comes in studio to discuss LSU's newly upgraded recreational center on campus. Cope also comments on another fraternity shutting down. 

Hour 2:

Darrell Glasper & Tony Brown

Former Baton Rouge metro councilman Darrell Glasper and KTTP Station Manager Tony Brown join the conversation to discuss politics in America and President Donald Trump. 

11/23 Wednesday: Sheriff Gautreaux, The Bridge Center, The Man Who Knew, Kevin Cope, Eugene Daniel


Sid Gautreaux & Rob Reardon


Reardon is the first executive director of The Bridge Center, a nonprofit created by BRAF to take better care of people with mental illness and substance abuse problems. Sheriff Sid Gautreaux and Reardon talk about The Bridge Center and describe a tax proposal on the ballot December 10 that will fund the program.

Sebastian Mallaby

Mallaby is a Washington Post contributing columnist and two-time Pulitzer Prize finalist.  Mallaby's book, The Man Who Knew describes the life of former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Alan Greenspan.


Kevin Cope

Professor Cope discusses students and college campuses reaction to Donald Trump becoming the President-elect.

Eugene Daniel

Daniel talks about his time playing football at LSU under Jerry Stovall. Daniel talks about Nick Saban's coaching methods and how he never thought he would play in the National Football League.

06/20 Monday: HRI Revitalizing Cities, American Commitment, Sports Hall of Fame, Funding for TOPS


Pres Kabacoff

Owner and president of HRI Properties, a full-service real estate development company in New Orleans, talks about his book, Revitalizing Cities. HRI Properties’ early work in neighborhoods and communities made a way for it to become a leader in revitalizing historic neighborhoods that have been abandoned and left vacant.

Phil Kerpen

American Commitment engages in critical public policy fights over the size and intrusiveness of government through direct advocacy, strategic policy analysis, and grassroots mobilization.  Kerpen joins the show to talk about government's intrusiveness on broadband expansion in the capitol city.

Doug Ireland

Doug Ireland is an assistant athletic director/sports information director at Northwestern State University.  Doug has served as chairman of the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame since April 1991.  He joins Jim to talk about the inductees of 2016 that will be inducted Saturday. 


Dayne Sherman

Dayne Sherman is an American journalist and fiction writer. Sherman joins Faculty Senate President, Kevin Cope to talk about TOPS for higher education in the session since only 70% of funding has been approved.

Kevin Cope

President of the LSU Faculty Senate, Cope joins Dayne Sherman to talk about TOPS for higher education in the legislative session since only 70% of funding has been approved.


04/12 Tuesday: Duncan Clark on Alibaba, Kevin Cope, John Ed Bradley on "Hokie" Gajan & Non-Smoking Ordinance


Duncan Clark

 A former advisor to Alibaba in its early years and the author of the new book "Alibaba: The House that Jack Ma Built."  Clark talks about Ma, the founder of Alibaba who started out as an English teacher, and how he built the Chinese firm into a worldwide internet retailing powerhouse in about 15 years.

Kevin Cope

President of the Faculty Senate, Cope comes on the show to discuss running for Faculty Senate another year, the petition for Tiger Band Director Roy King, Tops


John Ed. Bradley 

The famous author, John Ed. Bradley remembers his former teammate, Howard "Hokie" Gajan.  Gajan passed away April 12 at the age of 56.

Henry Turner & Rusty Yates

Henry Turner and Rusty Yates discuss the pros and cons of a non smoking ordinance in the city of Baton Rouge.

Stasha Rhodes, Bronson Frick & Lydia Kuykindal

Stasha Rhodes of the American Heart Society, Bronson Frick of the Americans for Nonsmokers Rights, and Lydia Kuykindal of the American Cancer Society explain reasons for why Baton Rouge should ban smoking from bars and casinos.

02/18 Thursday: Ben Strauss: Indentured, former LSU basketball player, Rudy Macklin, Professor Kevin Cope, former Senator Mary Landrieu


Ben Strauss : Indentured

Ben Strauss describes the different cases of athletes who run into problems with NCAA, the amount of money the collegiate industry is worth, and the players who see none of the profits.  While talking with Jim he mentions a few names from the book including former LSU basketball coach, Dale Brown.

Rudy Macklin

On the eve of his 58th birthday, Rudy Macklin mentions Ben Simmons and LSU basketball.  He and Jim discuss health and fitness while promoting the Louisiana Department of Health and the Governor’s Council's Own Your Own Health Challenge.


Kevin Cope

Professor Kevin Cope gives his opinion on budget cuts in higher education. Cope explains that the absence of LSU football seems like a far fetched idea, though still very possible. Cope also discusses the quality of the buildings around LSU's campus. He also gives a viewpoint of the professor while addressing former guest Troy Hebert's suggestions about college professors punching time clocks. 

Mary Landrieu

Former senator Mary Landrieu declares that she will be campaigning for Hillary Clinton. Landrieu expresses her excitement for a woman to be in office and states that she is "absolutely not," running for Senate.