Pres Kabacoff
Owner and president of HRI Properties, a full-service real estate development company in New Orleans, talks about his book, Revitalizing Cities. HRI Properties’ early work in neighborhoods and communities made a way for it to become a leader in revitalizing historic neighborhoods that have been abandoned and left vacant.
Phil Kerpen
American Commitment engages in critical public policy fights over the size and intrusiveness of government through direct advocacy, strategic policy analysis, and grassroots mobilization. Kerpen joins the show to talk about government's intrusiveness on broadband expansion in the capitol city.
Doug Ireland
Doug Ireland is an assistant athletic director/sports information director at Northwestern State University. Doug has served as chairman of the Louisiana Sports Hall of Fame since April 1991. He joins Jim to talk about the inductees of 2016 that will be inducted Saturday.
Dayne Sherman
Dayne Sherman is an American journalist and fiction writer. Sherman joins Faculty Senate President, Kevin Cope to talk about TOPS for higher education in the session since only 70% of funding has been approved.
Kevin Cope
President of the LSU Faculty Senate, Cope joins Dayne Sherman to talk about TOPS for higher education in the legislative session since only 70% of funding has been approved.