George Bell
George Bell, an accomplished nonprofit executive and Louisiana native is the CEO of Capital Area United Way. The organization funds 57 health and human service agencies in the Greater Baton Rouge area. Bell gives out information on how to fund or donate to those in need during the Baton Rouge flood.
Tony Guarisco & Melissa Flournoy
Both former state lawmakers, Guarisco and Flournoy discuss the status of Baton Rouge since the flooding. They negotiate whether President Obama should leave his vacation and be in Louisiana now and if the set curfew in East Baton Rouge Parish is a good decision.
Billy Nungesser
The Lt. Gov. assessed the damage from the flooding with Gov. Edwards Wednesday. He describes the damage in the areas and gives an update on what needs to be done to help.
Jim Richardson
Dr. Richardson is currently co-chair of the Task Force for Structural Change in Budget and Tax Policy as created by the Louisiana Legislature. He joins the show to discuss what type of impact the flood will have on the state economy and taxes.
Sherry Guarisco
Sherry Guarisco is the Executive Director for Louisiana Partnerships for Children and Families. The organization is dedicated to influencing public policy and making sure that the services provided are the best for children. Guarisco joins the show to share open childcare facilities during this time and tips on how to help children in times of a disaster.