MONDAY: Heather McDonald, Cody Worsham, Cary Deaton, Kira Schuette, Valencia Richardson, Jim Richardson


Attorney Heather McDonald shares her opposition to President Obama's immigration push.  McDonald comments on the quick discrediting of Michael Brown which sparked the Black Lives Matter movement.   "I think we've been having the discussion about police racism for the last twenty years when we should be talking about black crime."  She continues, "If we could bring the black crime problem down, we wouldn't find ourselves talking about policing."  McDonald asserts that solving this problem is "reconstituting the family" because there is a 75% out of wed lock birth rate.   

Attorney Cary Deaton of Metarie finished third in the governor's election four years ago.  He announces his candidacy for the governor's election today.  "I have easily $50,000 that I'm going to put towards this time... some people have likened me toward former Gubernatorial candidate Buddy Roemer."  


LSU economist Jim Richardson comments on the budget.  He also discusses the Grover Norquist pledge and those who signed the pledge and how it has impacted Louisiana.  Richardson also comments on the cigarette tax.  He condemns the year by year approach that legislators are taking to fix the budget.    

Political Science students from LSU Kira Schuette and Valencia Richardson talk about the forum for students to give their opinion on budget issues.  Wednesday night there will be a forum at the Louisiana Manship School of Mass Communications about the budget cuts.  Richardson says, "We are trying to make this less about who to blame and more about how to move forward."  Schuette adds, "If we keep pointing fingers, we're not going to be able to actually discuss real solutions." 

"What is dangerous about these budget cuts is that people in high school don't understand what this means," Schuette says.  Richardson adds, "It's really easy to be exploited when you don't understand what's going on." 

Cody Worsham of Tiger Rag comments on LSU making it to the NCAA tournament.