05/9 Monday: Johnny Carson's Lawyer, Edwin Edwards' Conviction and Inauguration,Law Professor Chris Tyson on Segregated Restrooms


Henry Bushkin

Author and Attorney Henry Bushkin talks to Jim about his previous and most famous employer, Johnny Carson.  Bushkin is back on the show to talk to Jim about Carson's life and relationship with one of his closest relatives, his mother.

Leo Honeycutt

Leo Honeycutt talks to Jim about former governor, Edwin Edwards.  Honeycutt wrote a biography on Edwards and today, May 9, marks the 16th anniversary of his conviction and the 44th anniversary of his first inauguration.


Chris Tyson

The LSU Law Professor who ran for Secretary of State last fall is back on the show with Jim to discuss some issues in politics today.  Tyson talks to callers about the issue in North Carolina regarding LGBT and the segregation of restrooms.

FRIDAY: Nick Abraham, Cynthia Rigby, Betsy Irvine, George Sells, and Henry Bushkin


Reverend Dr. Cynthia Rigby and Minister Betsy Irvine to discuss Governor Jindal's prayer rally.  They discuss the warring views of homosexuality among Christian groups.  Irvine says, "Generally, the culture is moving in the direction of understanding that homosexuality is an orientation and not an abomination."  

Dr. Rigby remarks, "I think it's always wrong when we are doing it {praying} for show and not being sincere."

A listener asks for advice about her religious friend who recently came out and how to deal with the spiritual repercussions.  Dr. Rigby assures, "Of course, Jesus loves gay people."

The Covenant Presbyterian Conference will conclude on Dalrymple tomorrow to affirm that God "cherishes all human beings." 

Former priest Nick Abraham joins the show to discuss his new book and the Governor's prayer rally tomorrow.  Abraham comments on Governor Jindal's experience with an exorcism.  http://blow.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/02/28/bobby-jindal-the-exorcist-pro-or-con/?_r=0

Abraham will host a book signing at the Citiplace Barnes&Nobles tomorrow at 2.  

Abraham comments on the country's changing attitude toward the gay community and the refusal of some Christian groups to accept it.  "I think fear is driving it.  We're afraid of gays.  This country is changing drastically..." says Abraham.  He comments on the public prayer rally at the PMAC.  Jim asks, "Is it necessary to pray in a closet for Jesus to love you?"  


Former WAFB anchor George Sells comments on the tenth anniversary of Johnny Carson's death.  Sells says of Tom Snyder, "We called him "Snydely Whiplash.'"  He tells stories about Tom Snyder and Johnny Carson.  Sells comments on the impact of his career.  

A listener notes that the O.J. Simpson trial started 20 years ago today.  

 Sells discusses David Duke and the recent media coverage with Steve Scalise.  

He says there's a "delicate balance between what people should know and what they want to know."  

Instant replay was invented in 1963.  

When asked about the recent attacks in Paris, Sells says, "It's gonna get worse and worse."  

Henry Bushkin, lawyer for the late Johnny Carson, remembers the tenth anniversary of Carson's death.  Bushkin says, "Carson was never worried about Joan Rivers.  He didn't think the audience could take her humor night after night."  

"We found that she {Carson's second wife} was sharing an apartment with a well known football player, Frank Gifford."  Bushkin says Carson used humor to get through most things in his life.  "He was the endlessly witty, most fun person to be around," Bushkin says, "but he could also be the nastiest person in the room."

A listener asks if Carson was an alcoholic or just a heavy drinker.  Bushkin replies with a definitive no.  

Bushkin says that Carson never spoke about his wives after they divorced.  He concludes, "One might consider him the best television personality in the United States."