05/9 Monday: Johnny Carson's Lawyer, Edwin Edwards' Conviction and Inauguration,Law Professor Chris Tyson on Segregated Restrooms


Henry Bushkin

Author and Attorney Henry Bushkin talks to Jim about his previous and most famous employer, Johnny Carson.  Bushkin is back on the show to talk to Jim about Carson's life and relationship with one of his closest relatives, his mother.

Leo Honeycutt

Leo Honeycutt talks to Jim about former governor, Edwin Edwards.  Honeycutt wrote a biography on Edwards and today, May 9, marks the 16th anniversary of his conviction and the 44th anniversary of his first inauguration.


Chris Tyson

The LSU Law Professor who ran for Secretary of State last fall is back on the show with Jim to discuss some issues in politics today.  Tyson talks to callers about the issue in North Carolina regarding LGBT and the segregation of restrooms.