08/24 Wednesday: Dan Claitor, Connections Academy, Chris Tyson, Abhay Patel


Dan Claitor

State Senator Dan Claitor talks about the status of Louisiana government since the flood and the fiscal budget as compared to Katrina.  Claitor hopes that the people of Louisiana will learn from previous tragedies.

Michael Marsh

Former WBRZ anchorman joins the show to talk about the recent Baton Rouge flood. Marsh is now employed at Connections Academy, a tuition-free, fully accredited online public school for students in grades K–12. The academy could be an option available to many students in Louisiana.


Chris Tyson

Baton Rouge native, Chris Tyson, talks about the community and what it needs to do in order to recover from the recent flooding.  Tyson touches on the Presidential campaign as well.

Abhay Patel

Abhay Patel is running for Louisiana's U.S. Senate.  He joins the show to talk about his campaign and the flood in Baton Rouge.

07/12 Tuesday: Jean Edward Smith, Chris Tyson on racism in Baton Rouge, White Trash


Jean Edward Smith

Jean Edward Smith offers a biography of George W. Bush, showing how he ignored his advisers to make key decisions himself—most disastrously the choice to invade Iraq—and how these decisions were often driven by the President’s deep religious faith.

Chris Tyson

The LSU Law Professor has written an article in the New York Times in relation to the Baton Rouge shooting.  Tyson describes his hometown and addresses race issues and different scenarios in Baton Rouge. 


Nancy Isenberg

T. Harry Williams Professor at LSU, Isenberg acknowledges the words associated with different classes and how they have evolved into the characteristics that make up our different cultures today.

07/07 Thursday: Denise Marcelle Mayoral Candidate, Professor Chris Tyson, Congressman Charles Boustany, DA Hillar Moore


Denise Marcelle

State Representative Marcelle is running for Mayor of Baton Rouge.  She talks about her views on civil cases including the recent shooting of Alton Sterling.

Chris Tyson

LSU Law professor, Chris Tyson gives his opinions on police brutality and the recent shootings that have occurred in the past week.


Charles Boustany

Congressman Charles Boustany is running for U.S. Senate.  He discusses the FBI's decision not to charge Hillary Clinton for the personal use of E-mail.

Hillar Moore

District Attorney Hillar Moore describes the process of investigating a case like the recent shooting of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge. 

05/9 Monday: Johnny Carson's Lawyer, Edwin Edwards' Conviction and Inauguration,Law Professor Chris Tyson on Segregated Restrooms


Henry Bushkin

Author and Attorney Henry Bushkin talks to Jim about his previous and most famous employer, Johnny Carson.  Bushkin is back on the show to talk to Jim about Carson's life and relationship with one of his closest relatives, his mother.

Leo Honeycutt

Leo Honeycutt talks to Jim about former governor, Edwin Edwards.  Honeycutt wrote a biography on Edwards and today, May 9, marks the 16th anniversary of his conviction and the 44th anniversary of his first inauguration.


Chris Tyson

The LSU Law Professor who ran for Secretary of State last fall is back on the show with Jim to discuss some issues in politics today.  Tyson talks to callers about the issue in North Carolina regarding LGBT and the segregation of restrooms.

10/14 Wednesday: Roger Stone on the Clintons' War on Women, Secretary of State Candidate Chris Tyson, and Tomorrow's Gubernatorial Debate


Roger Stone

Roger Stone is an alternative historian who was one the legendary American Republican political consultant who has played a key role in the election of Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Ronald Reagan to George H.W. Bush and George W. Bush.  He discusses his latest book The Clintons' War on Women. Stone also comments on the Democrat Debate last night. 

Chris Tyson 

Chris Tyson is a candidate for Secretary of State.  He shares his campaign message with Jim as the elections are quickly approaching.  Tyson wants to increase voter registration and is open to new online and electronic methods of voting. 

Tucker Barry 

Tucker Barry is the Director of Communications for Louisiana Progress and the Managing Director of Equality Louisiana.  Barry is upset about the parameters of the Gubernatorial debate tomorrow night, which restricts media presence.  Louisiana Progress is asking for signatures for a petition and to tweet @LATech about the lack of spectator and media presence at the debate tomorrow. 

Thursday: Treatment of Higher Education under Governor Jindal, Candidate for Secretary of State Chris Tyson, and the Gubernatorial Candidates' Comments on Common Core


chris tyson

Chris Tyson a law professor at LSU.  He is running for Secretary of State against current Secretary of State Tom Schedler.  He lays out why he is running for this position and how he plans to serve Louisiana. 

Scott Angelle, Jay Dardenne, John Bel Edwards, and david vitter

Each of the Gubernatorial candidates gives his stance and plan on Common Core.  


Cyril Vetter



Cyril Vetter is a media mogul, a member of the Louisiana Music Hall of Fame and author of Dirtdobber Blues.  He joins the show to discuss the treatment of higher education under Governor Jindal's administration.