07/21 Friday: Marketa Walters, Rhenda Hodnett, Casey Tingle

Hour One

Marketa Walters and Rhenda Hodnett

DCFS Secretary Marketa Walters and Rhenda Hodnett, DCFS Assistant Director for Child Welfare, came on air to talk about the new approach in Louisiana to foster care for our children – the Quality Parenting Initiative. The two ladies joined our guest host, Julie Baxter Payer. 


Hour Two

Casey Tingle

 Casey Tingle is GOHSEP’s Assistant Deputy Director for Hazard Mitigation; he discussed how specific communities across the state are using the just-announced flood recovery money (Governor’s announcement of FEMA’s HMGP money post 2016 floods) to improve drainage in their towns, fortify their towns for the “next storm”, how the communities gave their input.