03/20 Monday: DA on Sgt. Anderson, Rev. Gene Mills, Cards for a Cause, Suzie Terrell, Wirt on Chuck Berry


Hillar Moore

The District Attorney joins the show to give an update on the incident that occurred Saturday, resulting in the death of EBR Sgt. Shawn Anderson.

Rev. Gene Mills

President of the Louisiana Family Forum joins the show to talk about the effects a lack of a nuclear family has on crimes.  Mills feels that the reasoning behind many crimes is the lack or hate for fathers, and he addresses what can help these situations. Mills also talks about the programs he and the Gov. have been working on to help prison reform.

Jeff Marx

Jeffrey Marx is an author and organ donor advocate.  Marx joins the show to talk about Jarrius "Little JJ" Robertson's need for a liver transplant.  Marx and Little JJ will be at Walk Ons on Burbank at 6pm to give out Little JJ Robertson's 'cards for a cause.' This event is free.


Suzie Terrell

The first and only Republican woman elected to statewide office in Louisiana. Terrell joins the show to talk about Donald Trump and his tax returns.  She feels that it has never been required, though some previously have released similar documents.

John Wirt

John Wirt joins the show to talk about Chuck Berry.  One of the founding fathers of rock 'n roll, Berry passed away at 90 years old on March 18th. Wirt talks about Berry's run with the law and listens to Berry's "Roll Over Beethoven."