Hour 1:
Cynthia Peterson
Cynthia Peterson joins Jim in studio and is the first female Dean of the LSU College of Science. Peterson is a native of Shreveport. She was the previous Dean of the College of Science at The University of Tennessee at Knoxville. Peterson gives details on the upcoming event called, Hidden Figures Revealed on March 17th. A panel of women in science will take questions after a viewing of the film, Hidden Figures, at 5:00 p.m at the LSU Union Theater.
Jeff Palermo
News Director with the Louisiana Radio Network Jeff Palermo chats with Jim in studio about the resignation of U.S. Attorney Walt Green of Louisiana's middle district and the reaction of many in the community. He also comments on rumors of the resignation of LSP Col. Mike Edmonson.
Renee Chatelain
Renee Chatelain with the Arts Council of Greater Baton Rouge joins Jim in studio to discuss the Ebb and Flow Festival in the Capital City. The festival takes place at the Baton Rouge River Front on April 1-2. For more information on the festival visit artsbr.org
Hour 2:
James Martin
Source James Martin (left) with former President Bush
Founder of the non-profit senior citizen organization, James Martin, chats with Jim about the potential new proposed healthcare plan that would replace The Affordable Care Act. Martin says he's cautiously optimistic about the Republican's plan.
Jonathan Earle
Dean of the Roger Hadfield Ogden Honors College at Louisiana State University Dr. Jonathan Earle chats with Jim about his class on Georgetown University's sale of 272 slaves back in 1838 to Louisiana.