02/20 Monday: The Murder of Willie Lincoln, Meredith Wadman, Christine Cheng, Dane Strother


Burt Solomon

The Murder of Willie Lincoln is an exciting historical fiction debut by award-winning political journalist and Washington insider Burt Solomon. Solomon joins the show to talk about the Lincoln family and the bond between father and son.

Meredith Wadman

Meredith Wadman is a neuroscience reporter at Science magazine in Washington, D.C.  Her gripping book, The Vaccine Race: Science, Politics and the Human Costs of Defeating Disease, tells the tale of WI-38, a fascinating cell line with a colorful and controversial history and a huge public health impact.

Christine Cheng

 LSU Assistant Professor of Accounting Christine Cheng's paper, "The Wage Gap and the Marriage Tax Penalty: When Will They End?", was published in full by Forbes. Cheng joins the show to discuss the tax codes and the effects they have on the country, morally and economically.


Dane Strother

Political consultant Dane Strother joins the show to discuss President Donald Trump.  Strother touches on Trumps choice for Supreme Court Justice and his ability to stay true to his word.