01/26 Tuesday: Islam, 'Conservative Black Chick' Crystal Wright, and the 2016 Presidential Election


Caner Dagli 

Caner Dagli is an associate professor of religious studies at the College of the Holy Cross and an expert in Islamic studies.  He shares his new book “The Study Quran: A New Translation and Commentary”.  
"I think it's an insult to American voters's intelligence when politicians try to scare them about Muslims and Syrian refugees," Dagli says.  He addresses the misrepresentations in the media about radical Islamic terrorists, calling the population of such violent sects "microscopic" compared to the 1.6 billion world Muslim population.  "They look for quotes that are convenient to them...They cherry pick...They look for quotes of violence." 

Crystal Wright 

Crystal Wright is author of the newly released book Con Job: How Democrats Gave Us Crime, Sanctuary Cities, Abortion Profiteering, and Racial Division. As a black conservative woman living in Washington, D.C, some would say she is a triple minority: woman, black and a Republican living in a Democrat dominated city. She’s contemplating moving back to her home state of Virginia, where her vote would count for something. By day, Crystal is a communications consultant and editor and publisher of the blog Conservative Black Chick.


Joshua Stockley 

Joshua Stockley is a Political Science Professor at ULM.  He comments on the first two weeks of John Bel Edwards' term as governor.  He also discusses the presidential election and questions if Donald Trump can be stopped. 

Elbert Guillory

Elbert Guillory completed nearly a decade long career as a Louisiana State Legislator. Guillory completed his service to Louisiana as a State Senator, where he also served as Chairman of the Retirement Committee. Guillory was a champion for Pro-Life Legislation and played a vital role in Gov. Jindal’s sweeping School Choice Reforms in 2012. He was inducted into the Louisiana Justice Hall of Fame for his work on incarceration.  He is a Navy Veteran and has practiced law four decades.