William Frey
Bill Frey is an internationally recognized demographer specializes in issues involving urban populations, migration, immigration, race, aging, political demographics, and the U.S. Census. He is also a research professor in population studies at the University of Michigan. He shares his latest book Diversity Explosion.
Troy Hebert
Former Senator Troy Hebert was appointed by Governor Bobby Jindal to serve as Commissioner of the Louisiana Office of Alcohol and Tobacco Control in November of 2010. Hebert's vehicle was stolen from his home Sunday night and returned Tuesday by the fire department after an attempt was made to set the car on fire.
Elbert Guillory
Senator Elbert Guillory is running for Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana. He used the N word in a TV spot. Though controversial, Guillory defends his TV spot asserting that the word is a part of history of which people need to be reminded.