FRIDAY: Happiness, Rep. Garret Graves, Oklahoma City Bombing, and the Louisiana Legislative Session


French author Federic Lenoir shares his book Happiness.  "Happiness is a state of being," Lenoir says.  

"You have to know what is good for you and what is bad for you so you can make the good choice," Lenoir says, "To be happy you have to have pleasure, but in moderation."  Lenoir gives a list of necessary things to be happy such as love, health, and acts of joy.  He says that faith is a major component of leading a happy life.  

"The people have to know how to be happy by themselves," he says.  "I think sex with love is much better than sex without love. If you have a good sexual life with love, you will be very happy." 

"Happiness must not be an obligation," he concludes.  

Representative Garret Graves comments on the 1732 legislative piece.  "They're trying to right a uniform standard for everywhere in the United States," Grave says, "The amount of water coming down from our state is greater than any other." 

"I think you can very clearly see the correlation between land loss and land gain in regards to federal action." 

Former News Director at Oklahoma Radio Network Matt Skinner comments on the Oklahoma City Bombing because the 20th anniversary is Sunday.  He describes his experiences in the building and with the FBI.

 "We were all saying that looks just like the video in Bosnia." 

Jim comments that there are those who believe that President Clinton would not have won reelection were it not for the Oklahoma City Bombing in 1995.  

Political Consultant Scott Wilfong comments on the Marriage and Conscience Act.  Jim comments that Governor Jindal placed the bill at the top of his agenda, second only to Common Core. 

Wilfong says that it is just "smart politics" for Governor Jindal to support the bill Marriage and Conscience Act regarding religious liberty and marriage equality.  

Wilfong says that asking people to put their creativity into something they don't believe in is wrong.

He thinks there is a greater percentage of homosexuals in San Francisco, California.  

"It's about not letting the government get their fingers in businesses," he says.  

ACLU Executive Director Marjorie Esman shares her opinion on the Marriage and Conscience Act.  "It starts out creating a blanket exception for conduct otherwise prohibited by the law," she says, "All you have to say is it's my moral conviction to do this... if that's not what the bill intends, that's what it says." 

"It allows people to kind of preemptively sue the state if they feel their moral convictions are threatened, not even infringed," Esman says.  

"It would mean for a judge to refuse to sign divorces," Esman says.  

She discusses the high rate of incarceration in Louisiana.  "We spend more on incarceration than on LSU," she says.  

"Something that is legal in one state ought not to deserve a 20 year sentence in another," she says.

Esman says that about 40,000 people are incarcerated at any given time in Louisiana.