FRIDAY: Laura Swan, C.B. Forgotston, Tony Guarisco, Julie Baxter and Neil Melancon


Author Laura Swan discusses her book.  Beguines were a European phenomenon around 1200 CE of women seeking independence, breaking norms, and celebrating intellect and art.  A number of the Beguines were burned at the stake for alleged heresy.  

Jim asks if the governor took the path of least resistance in his prescription for balancing the budget.  Political Consultant C. B. Forgotston gives his opinion.  

"I was really taken aback by Democrats, Republicans, and college presidents saying it was a good start... it was a sham," Forgotston says, "I think everyone must have been in a state of shock, or they weren't listening very carefully." 

"They're already backpedalling," Forgotston points out, "what we heard on Friday isn't even what's happening."  

Forgotston analyzes the Grover Norquist pledge among Republican members of Congress and how this affected the budget proposal.  The budget proposal would raise the cigarette tax from 36 cents to 83 cents.

"I think the budget Bobby Jindal submitted will pretty much be what is adopted," he says.  

"I've never seen a governor who spends so much time every day attending ribbon cuttings and things like that," he continues, "he's never been what you call a 'hands on governor.  I've come to the conclusion that the  more he's out of the state the less damage he does." 

Forgotston also comments on the tension between David Vitter and Bobby Jindal.  


Former State Senator Tony Guarisco compares the Governor Jindal with previous two term governors of Louisiana: John McKeithen, Edwin Edwards, and Mike Foster.  

"Edwin Edwards could have just been this prince that was governor all the time," he comments.  

Jim calls Bobby Jindal's proposal for a cigarette tax "a considered heresy."

Guarisco calls Grover Norquist a "third party nitwit."  He says they need to simply revoke the agreement because "a promise is not forever."

He says it is unbelievable that marijuana smokers are in prison.  

Mike Danna, a staple in the agriculture broadcasting industry, died of cancer at the age of 54. He was the director of public relations for the Louisiana Farm Bureau and host of This Week in Louisiana Agriculture. He passed away peacefully in his sleep shortly before 9am this morning.  Assistant Director of the Louisiana Farm Bureau Neil Melancon joins the show to remember him.

The board of the Mass Communication at LSU unanimously voted Mike Danna into the Manship Hall of Fame.  

Neil says, "I got to see the soft side of him... the side that had the sardonic wit, the teasing nature of him."  He talks about a virtual tour of Italy Danna took with his wife in the last 24 days of his life.  

Here is Mike Danna's parting statement.