THURSDAY: John White, Renee Chatelain, Gary Stewart, Steve Vockrodt, Mike Wolf

Hour one:

First guest today is State Superintendent of Education John White.

Common Core PARCC tests start Monday, White says, "This is a basic description of what a kid should be able to do at the end of each grade level."

"We've got a lot of kids who have memorized everything, but can't tell you why. That's why we struggle in math."

"We've got to start teaching our kids 'Why?'"

"We need to focus on those who have legitimate concerns about their kids education and not those who prey on those concerns."

"Very few people like to take tests. But they are necessary and part of life. That's why they are required by the state."

"I think it should be up to parents to decide what to do with their kid's education. We also hold accountability for taxpayers."

"There is a correlation between wealth and educational success, but the question is what do you do with that information? We've got kids with things rough at home, but if things are also rough at school then we've really got a problem."

White says he has no plans to leave the Department of Education, in fact, "I'm more invigorated than I ever have been before."

Renee Chatelain, creator and director of The Fading Line: A Commemoration of the 1953 Baton Rouge Bus Boycott; March 17-18 at the Manship Theatre at 7:30 p.m.

Hour Two

Gary L Stewart, author of "The Most Dangerous Animal of All: Searching for my Father ... and Finding the Zodiac Killer."

Has new information on the case and evidence that further proves his father is the Zodiac Killer.

The book will soon be in paperback.

Next we look at today's Advocate article which talks about an article written by  Steve Vockrodt in The Pitch. Sexual harassment allegations have surfaced against Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden. Vockrodt talks about the suit and where it came from.

Lt Governor hopeful Kip Holden is involved in a sex scandal as a four-year-old lawsuit has surfaced claiming the Baton Rouge mayor repeatedly sexually harassed a woman who was in Louisiana on business. The lawsuit does not name Holden as a defendant and it's actually targeted at her former employer.

In a statement, Holden denies the accusations that are made in the 2011 lawsuit, which was filed in Kansas City. Holden ended the statement by saying both he and his wife know the truth on this one.

A poll was released this week showing Holden in good position to make the run-off in the lieutenant governor's race. 

Baton Rouge lawyer Mike Wolf is in studio and defends Mayor Holden. Wolf says at most Holden solicited a friendship with a woman if anything. And this is none of our business. A private matter.