12/15 Tuesday: Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development, Senate Election, Consumer Product Safety, Drone Regulations, and Tonight's GOP Presidential Debate


Sherri LeBas

Sherri LeBas is the Secretary of the Louisiana Department of Transportation and Development.  Governor Jindal appointed LeBas in February of 2010.  LeBas is responsible for a more than $1.7 billion annual budget and more than 4,200 employees across the state.

Jennifer Duffy

Jennifer Duffy is the senior editor of the Cook Political Report.  She is also the former press secretary for the National Republican Senatorial Committee.  With 30 years of experience in campaign politics and 27 years in non-partisan political analysis, Duffy speculates on the dynamics of the upcoming senate election. 


Patty Davis

Patty Davis is the Deputy Director of the Consumer Product Safety Commission.  She discusses the recent reports of hover boards catching fire and the subsequent product investigations.  Overstock, Amazon and now Target has temporarily stopped selling the Swagway X1.  Ten fires in nine states have occurred, including Louisiana.  

Lynn Lunsford

Lynn Lunsford is a Public Affairs representative for the Federal Aviation Administration.  He discusses drone regulations.  

Ryan Teten

Dr. Ryan Teten is the Chair of the Department of Political Science at UL Lafayette.  HIs most recent book examines some twelve thousand presidential speeches to trace the evolution of presidential communication and policy making.  He also comments on tonight's GOP Presidential debate.