10/02 Monday: John McCann, Denny McLain, John Camp

Hour 1:

John McCann

Executive Director of Student Leadership for the East Baton Rouge Parish School System, John McCann, joins Jim in studio to talk about LSU football and the Tigers' loss to Troy on Saturday. McCann played football for LSU and was the McNeese State University coach. 

Denny McLain

Denny McLain, former pitcher for the Detroit Lions, chats with Jim about the tragedy in Las Vegas. McLain was an organist who performed in Las Vegas. 

Hour 2:

John Camp

John B. Camp discusses his long career in journalism and his rise to prominence as Senior Investigative Correspondent for CNN. Camp talks about the mass shooting in Las Vegas last night and about Barry Seal and the new movie about his life, American Made

09/29 Friday: Ana Homayoun, William Taylor, Jeanne Basone, David Diamond

Hour 1:

Ana Homayoun

Author of the book, Social Media Wellness: Helping Tweens and Teens Thrive in an Unbalanced Digital World, Ana Homayoun chats with Jim. 

"Today’s students face a challenging paradox: the digital tools they need to complete their work are often the source of their biggest distractions. Students can quickly become overwhelmed trying to manage the daily confluence of online interactions with schoolwork, extracurricular activities, and family life. "- Amazon

William Taylor & Jeanne Basone

Historian William Taylor and former Playboy model Jeanne Basone chat with Jim about the life of Hugh Hefner. Hefner died earlier this week at the age of 91. Basone posed for the magazine twice. 

Hour 2:

David Diamond

Rev. Diamond joins Jim in studio to discuss the NFL protests and what we can expect from players at the upcoming games. Diamond disagrees with athletes kneeling or sitting during the national anthem. Diamond also comments on the death of Hugh Hefner.

09/28 Thursday: Mark Kram Jr., Mark Ballard, Gene Mills

Hour 1:

Mark Kram Jr.

Writer Mark Kram Jr. chats with Jim about the passing of Hugh Hefner. Kram's father Mark Kram Sr. was a sportswriter for Playboy Magazine. 

Mark Ballard

Mark Ballard of the Advocate joins the conversation for his weekly input on what's going on in Louisiana politics. Ballard comments on House Majority Whip Steve Scalise returning to the U.S. Capitol for the first time since he was severely injured after a shooting in June. He also discusses Senator Bill Cassidy. 

Hour 2:

Gene Mills

Louisiana Family Forum President Gene Mills joins Jim in the second hour of the show to talk about the late Hugh Hefner. Mills also comments on the candidates in the October 14th election. 

09/27 Wednesday: Robin Burk, Scott Wilfong, Dayne Sherman

Hour 1:

Robin Burk

Robin Burk, formerly with the Defense Threat Reduction Agency, joins the conversation to discuss the destruction in Puerto Rico after Hurricane Maria and the potential for a cyber attack given our huge attachment to the internet. Burk is the author of Check Your Connections: How to Thrive in an Uncertain World.

Hour 2:

Scott Wilfong & Dayne Sherman

Republican Scott Wilfong and Democrat Dayne Sherman go head to head in the second hour discussing the recent controversy with NFL players kneeling during the national anthem, President Donald Trump and Louisiana politics. 

09/26 Tuesday: Les Arbuckle, Paul Beston, Faye Williams, Darrell Glasper

Hour 1:

Les Arbuckle

Les Arbuckle, author of Saigon Kids: An American Military Brat Comes of Age in 1960's Vietnam, is Jim's first guest today and talks about his latest book. 

"The early Vietnam war years through the eyes of a U.S. military brat: In May of 1962, Naval Chief Petty Officer Bryant Arbuckle flew to Saigon to establish a new Armed Forces Radio Station(AFRS). Next to follow were his wife and three boys, Leslie among them. Saigon Kids is the candid, recondite slice of fourteen-year-old military brat Les Arbuckle’s experience at the American Community School (ACS) during the critical months of the Vietnam War when events would, quite literally, ignite in downtown Saigon."- Amazon

Paul Beston

Author Paul Beston chats with Jim about the great boxing legends. 

"For much of the twentieth century, boxing was one of America’s most popular sports, and the heavyweight champions were figures known to all. Their exploits were reported regularly in the newspapers—often outside the sports pages—and their fame and wealth dwarfed those of other athletes. Long after their heyday, these icons continue to be synonymous with the “sweet science.'"- Amazon

Hour 2:

Faye Williams & Darrell Glasper

Democrat E. Faye Williams and Republican Darrell Glasper both join the conversation from Washington D.C. to discuss the controversey of NFL football players kneeling during the national anthem. 

09/25 Monday: Burt McCollum, Clarence Buggs, Kenny Havard, Jim George

Hour 1:

Burt McCollum

President and COO of AmeriFlex Burt McCollum joins guest host Leo Honeycutt to discuss the Graham-Cassidy Healthcare bill. 

Clarence Buggs

Talk show host on Baton Rouge's Talk 107.3,Clarence Buggs, switches gears and chats with Leo about the NFL protests over the weekend. During Clarence's morning show, he says many people were not upset that the players were protesting, but upset with the way they protested. 

Hour 2:

Kenny Havard

St. Francisville Rep. Kenny Havard joins the conversation to discuss cutting state tax dollars for the New Orleans Saints after multiple players refused to stand during the national anthem. 

Jim George

Retired attorney Jim George also comments on the NFL and players sitting or kneeling during the national anthem.