03/01 Wednesday: Angie Morgan with Spark, Business Bootcamp, Lab Girl, Stephen Handwerk


Captain Angie Morgan

Leadership expert Captain Angie Morgan, shows you how to be a Spark by learning and adopting seven key leadership behaviors. Drawing on backgrounds as military officers and business leaders, the authors Spark present a roadmap for leadership development that will help you succeed.

Ameen Walker

Ameen “THE BIZ FIXER” Walker of First Financial of BR, LLC is hosting a business bootcamp seminar.  Walker shares some business tips on the show for those looking to make more money.  For more info on his free seminar go to www.bizbootcamp.info 

Hope Jahren

Lab Girl is a book about work, love, and the mountains that can be moved when those two things come together. It is told through Jahren’s remarkable stories: about her childhood in rural Minnesota with an uncompromising mother and a father who encouraged hours of play in his classroom’s labs; about how she found a sanctuary in science, and learned to perform lab work done “with both the heart and the hands”; and about the inevitable disappointments, but also the triumphs and exhilarating discoveries, of scientific work.


Stephen Handwerk

The Executive Director of the Louisiana Democratic party joins the show to assess the President Trump's Address to Congress.

02/28 Tuesday: Brandon Sneed, Tim Vos, Troy Hebert and Leo Honeycutt

Hour One

Brandon Sneed


Brandon Sneed is an author and journalist based in North Carolina. He has had articles published in publications like CNN, GQ, ESPN, etc. His book Head in the Game: The Mental Engineering of the World's Greatest Athletes was published today on February 28th and he discusses it on air.

Tim Vos


Tim Vos is an associate professor and chair of the journalism studies faculty at the Missouri School of Journalism. He is a research coordinator the Journalism School's Global Programs office. Vos discussed the media, democracy and Trump's first address to Congress.

Hour Two

Troy Hebert and Leo Honeycutt


Hebert and Honeycutt go on air to discuss Trump's first address to Congress happening tonight on February 28. Leo Honeycutt is a veteran journalist and Troy Hebert is a former Senator and supporter of Donald Trump. 

02/27 Monday: How Trump Won, Col. Rob Maness, Rep. Dee Richard, Oscars Mistake


Larry Schweikart

Larry Schweikart is one of a group of politicos called "the Deplorables."  In How Trump Won, Schweikart and co-author Pollak tell Trump's whole incredible story; from the early poll predictions of "the Deplorables" to the campaign trail to Election Night.

Rob Maness

Col. Rob Maness joins the show to talk about the Louisiana Spirit of America Rallies. In these rallies citizens gather in support of President Donald J.Trump's America. Maness announces the next rallies.

March 3rd at 11:30 AM - Monroe, Louisiana. Location: Walnut & Louisville Ave, Lea Joiner Bridge
Facebook Event Link

March 4th at 12:00 noon - Northwest Louisiana. Location: Bossier Parish Courthouse Grounds, 204 Burt Blvd, Benton LA 71006 Facebook Event Link
March 4th at 1:00 pm - Baton Rouge. Location: Steps of the State Capitol
Facebook Event Link


Rep. Dee Richard

Rep. Dee Richard joins the show to talk about the special session and the use of the rainy day budget.  Richard also acknowledges the importance of Mardi Gras in South Louisiana.

Jessica Jain

Jessica Jain is a New York City Based actress, singer and writer. She graduated from LSU with her MFA.  Jain joins the show to talk with Jim about Warren Beatty and Faye Dunaway's mistake at The Oscars.

02/24 Friday: Emily Beck Cogburn, Vickie Williams Tillman, Roxi Victorian, Jolene Hart, Dayne Sherman and Scott Wilfong

Hour One 

Emily Beck Cogburn

Emily Cogburn is a freelance journalist and a fitness instructor in Baton Rouge. She graduated from the University of Massachusetts in 1996 with a degree in philosophy. She discussed her new book titled, Ava's Place on the show. 

Vickie Williams Tillman 

Tillman made headlines when she helped stop a police officer from being beaten and possibly killed. She was headed into Sam's Club when she noticed a cop needed help and jumped on the attackers back to stop him. She discussed the experience on the show.

Roxi Victorian

Roxi Victorian is an entrepreneur, an accomplished dancer and the owner of Ballet Victorian; she is also the ballet teacher at McKinley Middle Magnet School. She is originally from Washington D.C. and was Newsmaker of the week this week for her meeting with Mark Zuckerberg. 

Jolene Hart

Jolene Hart is a Beauty and Health Coach and has been certified by NYC's Institute of Integrative Nutrition and by the American Association of Drugless Practitioners. Hart discusses her new wellness book titles, Eat Pretty: Nutrition for Beauty, Inside and Out.

Hour Two

Dayne Sherman and Scot Wilfong


Democrat Dayne Sherman and Republican Scott Wilfong discuss face off on different with views and opinions from the left and the right. 

02/23 Thursday: Jency Hogan, Mark Ballard, Neal D. Barnard and Jay Dardenne

Hour One

Jency Hogan

Actress Jency Hogan discusses the Louisiana International Film Festival (LIFF) on the show. She is originally from Baton Rouge, La and acted in Los Angeles for 8 years before returning to the South.  She his film credits in Dallas Buyers Club, Scream Queens and more. 

Mark Ballard

Mark Ballard of The Advocate gives a wrap up of the special session that took place on Wednesday, February 22. 

Neal D. Barnard, MD

Neil D. Barnard is a doctor, author and clinical researcher. He is the founder and president of Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine. He is the adjunct associate professor of medicine the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Science. He talks about his book, The Cheese Trap: How Breaking a Surprise Addiction Will You Lose Weight, Gain Energy and Get Healthy.  

Hour Two

Jay Dardenne

Jay Dardenne is the Commissioner of Administration for Gov. John Bel Edwards' administration. Dardenne served as the 53rd Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana for six years and a former member of the Louisiana State Senate. 

02/22 Wednesday: My Life, My Loves, Jeff Sadow, Former Mayor, Who Killed Bob Crane


King Errisson

My Life, My Loves is Errisson's autobiography.  Beginning in the Bahamas, through the ups and downs, and to the life as he know's it today. Errisson joins the show today to talk about his music, his life and how he came into show business. 

Jeff Sadow

Political Science professor at LSU-Shreveport, Jeff Sadow joins the show to discuss the special session and the budget deficit.


Kip Holden

Former Mayor-President Kip Holden joins the show to talk about what he's been up to since he is no longer Mayor.  Holden discusses the Green Light Project, racism in Baton Rouge, Judge Mike Erwin and what his perceptions are about the new POTUS.

John Hook

Who Killed Bob Crane? is Hook’s first-hand account of a two-year investigation and search for the truth. It’s seen though the eyes of the people who were there—witnesses, detectives, prosecutors, jurors, and family members. John Hook takes readers on an incredible reporter’s journey for an inside look at the sensational physical evidence in a final attempt to learn the truth in Who Killed Bob Crane?