Tuesday: David Kurpius, Healthy Brain, Happy Life, and Louisiana Politics with Secretary of State Tom Schedler


David Kurpius

David Kurpius was the former Associate Vice Chancellor and Mass Communications Professor at LSU.  Kurpius has been at LSU for 18 years.  He will be the new Dean of Journalism at the University of Missouri.  He comments on the budget shortfall and its affect on higher education.    

Wendy Suzuki



Wendy Suzuki is a professor of Neural Science and Psychology at New York University's Center for Neural Science.  She shares her book and experiences in pursuing health.  


Tom Schedler

Tom Schedler is Secretary of State of Louisiana.  He is running for reelection in October.  He discusses the Louisiana legislative session and comments on the potential presidential primary in Louisiana for 2016.  

Monday: LA Politics, Male Friendship, and LSU


Jeremy Alford

Jeremy Alford is the publisher and editor of LaPolitics.com.  He comments on the governor's race.  

Governor Q&A: David Vitter, Scott Angelle, John Bel Edwards, and Jay Dardenne

The Gubernatorial candidates answer the question: If you were governor today, what would be your first three actions to stop the budget shortfall? 

Dr. Robert Garfield



Dr. Robert Garfield has a clinical practice as a psychotherapist and psychiatrist in Pennsylvania.  He also teaches family therapy in the Department of Psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania.  Dr. Garfield joins the show today to share his book Breaking the Male Code: Unlocking the Power of Friendship


Kevin Cope



Dr. Kevin Cope is LSU's Faculty Senate President.  He is also an English professor.  He comments on the Bayou Country Superfest and its impact on LSU.  He also comments on the importance of a liberal arts education.  

Friday: Waterloo, President of Louisiana Chemical Association, "Rebuilding liberty without permission", and Councilman John Delgado


Bernard Cornwell



Bernard Cornwell is an author who has published many historical novels in over 25 languages around the world.  He shares his book, Waterloo, and his passion for sharing the story of two of the greatest military leaders ever in the world, Wellington and Napoleon.  

Dan Borne



Dan Borne is the President of the Louisiana Chemical Association.  He addresses the 1 cent sales tax on utilities and electricity that is being reinstated.  It will be a new tax for many businesses though it was originally a tax prior to the 80s.    


Charles Murray



Charles Murray is the author of the the New York Times bestseller By The People.  He shares his inspiration for writing the book and the story of many Americans who are unhappy with government interference in the lives of ordinary citizens and business.  

John Delgado

Metro Councilman John Delgado: Advocate staff photo by Patrick Dennis.

Metro Councilman John Delgado: Advocate staff photo by Patrick Dennis.

John Delgado is a Metro City Councilman for District 12 and an attorney.  He discusses the proposal and protests regarding making St. George its own school district.  At least 16 million dollars has been annexed out of the potential area for the City of St. George.  

Thursday: Mass Comm Professor Bob Mann, The Four Gubernatorial Candidates, Budget Cuts, James Carville, and Men's Fine Clothing


rofessor Robert Mann

Bob Mann is a Mass Communications Professor at LSU and holds the Manship Chair in Journalism at the Manship School of Mass Communications.  He also writes for NOLA.com.  He shares his thoughts on Governor Jindal, the 2015 Gubernatorial candidates, and the budget cuts.  

John Bel edwards, david vitter, jay dardenne, and scott angelle

Advocate staff file photo by BILL FEIG -- Gubernatorial candidates. From left at table, John Bel Edwards, David Vitter, Jay Dardenne and Scott Angelle.

Advocate staff file photo by BILL FEIG -- Gubernatorial candidates. From left at table, John Bel Edwards, David Vitter, Jay Dardenne and Scott Angelle.

In 90 second answers, the four Gubernatorial hopefuls answer the question, "What would be their first three actions once they became governor regarding the budget shortfall?


james carville

James Carville before the start of the NFC Championship between the New Orleans Saints and the Minnesota Vikings at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans Sunday, January 24, 2010.

James Carville before the start of the NFC Championship between the New Orleans Saints and the Minnesota Vikings at the Louisiana Superdome in New Orleans Sunday, January 24, 2010.

Politico James Carville joins the show again today to further discuss Governor Jindal's handling of the budget cuts and the final weeks of the legislative session.  

manuel martinez

Jim, Bob Mann, and Manuel Martinez

Jim, Bob Mann, and Manuel Martinez

Manuel Martinez has been named the finest tailor in the world three times in the past fifteen years.  He is declaring war on Casual Friday.  

Wednesday: Guns N Roses' Duff McKagan, Family Forum, CATS Bus System, Expansion of Government Street in Baton Rouge, State Rep Ted James, and Budget Cuts


Duff Mckagan 



Duff McKagan was the lead bassist for 12 years for the band Guns N Roses.  He has recently written a book entitled How To Be A Man (and other illusions).   

McKagan also shares his other inspirations and work including sports writing for ESPN.  

Gene Mills



President of Louisiana Family Forum and Louisiana Family Forum Action, Reverend Gene Mills discusses the Marriage and Conscience Act, Religious Freedom, and the influence of the Supreme Court.  


James Carville



Louisiana Politico James Carville shares his opinion on impending budget cuts to LSU, and how the cuts will affect higher education.  


Rep. Ted James http://house.legis.state.la.us/H_Reps/members.asp?ID=101 

Rep. Ted James http://house.legis.state.la.us/H_Reps/members.asp?ID=101 

State Representative Edward "Ted" James joins Paul Naquin to debate their views on section 8 housing, the CATS bus system, and the expansion of Government Street in Baton Rouge.   

Tuesday: Stephanie Riegel of the Baton Rouge Business Report, "Baking with Less Sugar", Lynne Marino's Passing, and Opinion on the Final Three Weeks of the State Legislative Session

Hour One: 

Stephanie Riegel

Stephanie Riegel is the editor of the Baton Rouge Business Report.  She discusses her cover story in the latest edition of the Business Report about the Bayou Country Superfest and its effect on tourism in Louisiana.  

Joanne Chang



Joanne Chang is the author of Baking with Less Sugar.  She shares her perspective on how less sugar enhances the flavor of desserts.  

Hour Two: 

Ann Pace

Ann Pace and Lynne Marino. http://www.walb.com/story/29095494/lynne-marino-loses-battle-with-cancer (Source: Ann Pace)

Ann Pace and Lynne Marino. http://www.walb.com/story/29095494/lynne-marino-loses-battle-with-cancer (Source: Ann Pace)

Ann Pace is the mother of one of the victims of Derrick Todd Lee.  She joins the show to remember Lynne Marino, who recently passed away after losing a battle with pancreatic cancer.  Marino appeared on the Jim Engster Show earlier this year.  Her comments are shared in this segment.

Tony guarisco

Tony Guarisco is a former Louisiana State Lawmaker.  Guarisco comments on the death penalty.  He shares his opinion on Governor Jindal's quest to be the next president.  He also discusses the final three weeks of the state legislative session.