06/06 Monday: 72th Anniversary of DDay, Terry McMillan, Rob Maness, Rudy Macklin on Muhammad Ali


George Morris

George Morris of The Advocate joins the show on the 72th Anniversary of DDay to talk with Jim about the importance of war and what the men who fought experienced.

Terry McMillan

The author of "How Stella Got Her Groove Back" and "Mama" is back on the scene with her newest book, "I Almost Forgot About You."  McMillan talks with Jim about the characters in her books and how relate-able they are to our own lives.


Rob Maness

Rob Maness is a Senate candidate and talks to Jim about what makes him different from the other candidates.  Maness also remembers DDay and describes his qualifying background and experience.

Rudy Macklin

Former LSU basketball player Rudy Macklin remembers his friend from Louisville, Muhammad Ali, who died Friday at the age of 74.  Macklin talks about growing up in the same hometown as Ali and watching Ali's fights as a child.