Roger Kimball
Author of a story written in The New York Times, Kimball joins the show to discuss the naming of Yale University. "The College Formerly Known as Yale," tells of how one of the greatest schools in the nation, was named after a slave trader, Elihu Yale.
Todd Gitlin
Todd Gitlin is an American sociologist, political writer, novelist, and cultural commentator. He writes about the candidacy of Donald Trump in, "Not the ’60s: Apocalypse Then and Now" by comparing the current state of the country to the country in the 1960's during Nixon's candidacy.
Bernie Pinsonat
Senate candidate Troy Hebert is suing Southern Media and Opinion Research pollster Bernie Pinsonat claiming he misrepresented him in a May poll. Hebert says the poll listed him under the wrong party affiliation. Pinsonat joins the show to talk about the allegations.
Joey Booth
Joseph Booth is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Thompson Booth, LLC, a consultant firm specializing in enterprise solutions in the fields of resilience, disaster recovery, risk mitigation, and more. Booth is promoting an Active Shooter/ Workplace Violence symposium in Baton Rouge.