12/12 Monday: Michelle Southern, Rannah Gray, Earl Casey & Bob Mann


Michelle Southern

Assistant News Director at Louisiana Radio Network, Michelle opens the show with a recap of numbers from the elections this past weekend.  Michelle talks about the congressional races around the state, the taxes that were shot down in EBR parish and Sharon Weston Broome's triumph.

Rannah Gray

Author and public relations consultant joins the show to talk about Sharon Weston Broome winning the mayoral race.  Gray talks about Broome's obstacles while coming into office as the first woman Mayor of Baton Rouge.  She also describes party relations and their relevancy to those it represents.


Bob Mann & Earl Casey

Bob Mann is in studio and Earl Casey joins the show over the phone.  Mann and Casey join Rannah in discussing politics in the media and how fake news has revolutionized, changing the way people receive information.

01/12 Tuesday: Governor John Bel Edwards, Nick Saban and Alabama, and Rising Crime in Baton Rouge


Mary Patricia Wray

Mary Patricia Wray is the former Director of Communications for Governor John Bel Edwards.  She is also the owner of Top Drawer Strategies.  She comments today on Governor Edwards transition and his first political disappointment as his House Speaker choice was not elected.  "He is extremely focused on work all the time... but he doesn't stop learning and growing," Wray says of Edwards. 

Michelle Southern

Michelle Southern is the Assistant News Director and a Producer at Louisiana Radio Network.  She gives her opinion on former LSU football coach Nick Saban.  "It's like when your husband leaves you for your best friend, who becomes a supermodel," Southern says. 


Hillar Moore 

Hillar Moore is the District Attorney for Baton Rouge.  He comments on rising crime in the area in and around LSU.  "The lack of education... has a lot to do with where we are," Moore says on crime.  He also asserts that "Faith based organizations do play a significant part," in crime prevention. 

Wednesday: Nonsmoking Order in New Orleans, Ask Bobby Jindal Tweets, Gubernatorial Q&A, Bobby Jindal and Baton Rouge High, and Justice Retirement Because of Same Sex Marriage Decision


Wade Duty

Wade Duty is the Executive Director of the Louisiana Casino Association.  He comments on how the nonsmoking order in New Orleans has affected Harrah's casino.  

Michelle Southern and Neal Gladner

Michelle Southern is the Assistant News Director of Louisiana Radio Network.  Neal Gladner is the Vice President of Sales for Louisiana Radio Network and Tiger Rag.  They discuss how Governor Jindal's new "Ask Bobby Jindal" via twitter has backfired.  

Gubernatorial Q&A

The Gubernatorial Candidates give their letter grade on Governor Jindal. 

Scott Angelle: First term a B;  Second term a C-

John Bel Edwards: "I believe he deserves an F." 

David Vitter: First term a B+; Second term a C-  

Jay Dardenne: First term a B-; Second term a D


 Tyler Bridges

Tyler Bridges is a Pulitzer award winning journalist.  He shares his story on Governor Jindal's tenor in Baton Rouge High's graduate class of 1988.  Jindal graduated third in his class.  He was voted Most Polite and Most Likely to Succeed.  He was also Captain of the Equations team.  

Patricia Gunter

Patricia Gunter is a Justice of the Peace in Grant Parish.  Rather than perform same sex marriages, Gunter has resigned.  She shares her views and hopes that she may be able to step down quietly since she feels it would be sinful to perform duties as a justice she does not believe in.