03/03 Friday: Mary Stein, Michael Chittom, Bill Grimley and Ashlee Vance

Hour One

Mary Stein


Mary Stein is the Assistant Director of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library and called the show to give updates and events happening at the library.

Michael Chittom

Republican activist Michael Chittom stopped by again to discuss Jeff Sessions, Mike Pence's e-mails, The Clintons and more.

Hour Two

Bill Grimley

Attorney and author Bill Grimley joined the show in-studio and discussed his take on Attorney General Jeff Sessions. He is the author of two books: The Benefactor and Perception. Grimley was born in Mississippi and found himself in Baton Rouge for college and law school at Louisiana State University.

Ashlee Vance

Ashlee Vance is a American business columnist, originally born in South Africa in 1977. He started writing for the New York Times in 2008 and eventually the Bloomberg Business week in 2011.

06/03 Friday: Smiley Anders' Column's 37th Birthday, Charlotte Stewart, Summer Reading, HB 350, Chittom on Trump,


 Smiley Anders

Smily Anders of The Advocate joins Jim in the studio on the eve of his column's 37th birthday. 

Charlotte Stewart

Stewart is famous for portraying the role of beloved schoolteacher "Miss Beadle" in the popular television series Little House on the Prairie (1974).  She talks with Jim about filming with Elvis Presley, meeting her husband on set and upcoming projects she is looking forward to.

Mary Stein

Stein, the Assistant Direction of the East Baton Rouge Parish Library, promotes summer reading for children and adults the summer.


Susan Raborn

Susan Raborn talks about HB 350.  Raborn discusses the benefits of the bill and what it took to get the legislation to the governor's desk. 

Michael Chittom

Delegate Michael Chittom explains why Donald Trump is fit to be president and why Hillary Clinton is not.

04/28 Thursday: Mark Ballard, Meghan Garvey, Pop Smart Show, David Morris, Michael Chittom


Mark Ballard

Mark Ballard is on the show with Jim to talk about the status of the Legislative session.  Topics like abortion, TOPS, the voucher program and the negative ad posted by the LA federation for children are touched on.

Meghan Garvey

Louisiana is one of only nine states that still exclude 17-year-olds from the juvenile justice system for all offenses – even for the most minor, nonviolent misdemeanors. Meghan Garvey, Managing Director of LA Center for Children's Rights talks with Jim about the Raising the Age Act.

Pop Smart Show

Creator Neda Parandian, Aerialist Jamie and Indie game developer Godric Johnson come on the show to introduce Pop! Smart Show. A new type of Art exhibit that blends visual and performing arts, interactive media and technology.  Pop! premieres Saturday April, 30 2016 at the Varsity Theatre in Baton Rouge.


David Morris

David Morris is the Deputy Managing Editor of The Kiplinger Letter. Morris has covered every presidential election since 1984 and has been based in Washington since 1994. He is discussing polling and Donald Trump.

Michael Chittom

Republican activist and delegate Mike Chittom joined Jim to discuss why he feels Donald Trump will win the election and answers questions based on his position.

03/22 Tuesday: The Presidential Election, Terror Attacks in Belgium, Black Conservatives, Gun Legislation

Hour 1:

Michael Chittom 

Republican activist Michael Chittom joins Jim in studio to talk about the presidential election and his support for billionaire businessman Donald Trump. Chittom believes Trump will shake things up and has good stances on immigration. 

Col. Rob Maness

Col. Rob Maness discusses this morning's terror attacks in Belgium. Maness believes Congress should issue a declaration of war against ISIS. Maness is running for the US Senate seat that will soon be vacated by David Vitter.  

Hour 2:

Ali Akbar

Conservative and Senior Advisor at the Black Conservatives Fund Ali Akbar joins Jim to talk about black conservatives. Akbar said he found out he was a Republican when he was a senior in high school on the debate team. He is supporting Ted Cruz for president. Akbar says he's a conservative and wants all blacks to vote. 

Barry Ivey

Baton Rouge Representative Republican Barry Ivey joins the conversation to discuss his proposed legislation for Louisiana citizens to carry a concealed weapon without a permit and a license.