04/28 Thursday: Mark Ballard, Meghan Garvey, Pop Smart Show, David Morris, Michael Chittom


Mark Ballard

Mark Ballard is on the show with Jim to talk about the status of the Legislative session.  Topics like abortion, TOPS, the voucher program and the negative ad posted by the LA federation for children are touched on.

Meghan Garvey

Louisiana is one of only nine states that still exclude 17-year-olds from the juvenile justice system for all offenses – even for the most minor, nonviolent misdemeanors. Meghan Garvey, Managing Director of LA Center for Children's Rights talks with Jim about the Raising the Age Act.

Pop Smart Show

Creator Neda Parandian, Aerialist Jamie and Indie game developer Godric Johnson come on the show to introduce Pop! Smart Show. A new type of Art exhibit that blends visual and performing arts, interactive media and technology.  Pop! premieres Saturday April, 30 2016 at the Varsity Theatre in Baton Rouge.


David Morris

David Morris is the Deputy Managing Editor of The Kiplinger Letter. Morris has covered every presidential election since 1984 and has been based in Washington since 1994. He is discussing polling and Donald Trump.

Michael Chittom

Republican activist and delegate Mike Chittom joined Jim to discuss why he feels Donald Trump will win the election and answers questions based on his position.

03/29 Tuesday: Managing Dir. Meghan Garvey, Conservative Quin Hillyer, Dir. of Baton Rouge Zoo Phil Frost, Dr. Stanley Foster, Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez


Managing Dir. Meghan Garvey

As the managing Director of Louisiana Center for Children's Rights, Meg Garvey discusses the incarceration of young males in the state of Louisiana and whether or not parents should be notified. She also gives details on Youth Justice Day.

Conservative Quin Hillyer

Conservative Political Commentator Hillyer discusses the GOP and keeping Donald Trump from receiving the nomination and becoming president.


Dir. Phil Frost

As the Director of the Baton Rouge Zoo, Phil Frost and the BREC Superintendent Carolyn McKnight discuss the possible move of the zoo from North Baton Rouge to Airline Hwy or by the L'Auberge Casino off of Nicholson in attempt to boost attendance to the zoo.  

Dr. Stanley Foster & Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez

Dr. Stanley Foster and Dr. Ricardo Rodriguez argue the need for "unrestricted access to patients."