Dan Stein
Dan Stein is the President for Federation for American Immigration Reform. He joins the show on the day of Donald Trump's immigration speech. Stein discusses immigration in the Election of 2016 and the United States today.
Meg Little Reilly
Reilly worked as Deputy Associate Director at the White House Office of Management under President Obama and as Spokesperson at the U.S. Treasury. In her new book, We Are Unprepared a young couple leaves the city for rural Vermont in search of an authentic life, but find themselves unmoored as a powerful superstorm bears down on their region
Rich Masters
Masters spent more than six years as a top policy and communications advisor to U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu, running two successful campaigns. He now works for a PR agency, Qorivis MSLGROUP and joins the show to talk about the presidential candidates and Louisiana's voting patterns.
Mary-Patricia Wray
Wray is currently working for Service Commissioner and Senate Candidate Foster Campbell. She discusses the Senate race and the different issues candidates have to address in order to become elected for the position.