08/31 Wednesday: Fed. for American Immigration Reform, We Are Unprepared, Rich Masters, Mary-Patricia Wray


Dan Stein

Dan Stein is the President for Federation for American Immigration Reform.  He joins the show on the day of Donald Trump's immigration speech.  Stein discusses immigration in the Election of 2016 and the United States today.

Meg Little Reilly

Reilly worked as Deputy Associate Director at the White House Office of Management under President Obama and as Spokesperson at the U.S. Treasury.  In her new book, We Are Unprepared  a young couple leaves the city for rural Vermont in search of an authentic life, but find themselves unmoored as a powerful superstorm bears down on their region


Rich Masters

Masters spent more than six years as a top policy and communications advisor to U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu, running two successful campaigns.  He now works for a PR agency, Qorivis MSLGROUP and joins the show to talk about the presidential candidates and Louisiana's voting patterns.

Mary-Patricia Wray

Wray is currently working for Service Commissioner and Senate Candidate Foster Campbell.  She discusses the Senate race and the different issues candidates have to address in order to become elected for the position.

05/4 Wednesday: Mary-Patricia Wray, Dan Moldea on Trump as Nominee, Beau Clark & Troy Prevot on heroin in LA


Mary Patricia Wray

The political consultant was once one of Gov. John Bel Edward's employees and describes his determination when he ran for office.   Wray talks to callers about the presidential race since Ted Cruz has dropped out Tuesday night and the outcome of the next president.  Mary Wray also promotes the honoring of women leaders at the Girl Scouts Louisiana East 2016 Women of Distinction awards luncheon on Wednesday, May 11 at the Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel.  One of the honored guests will be former Louisiana Governor Kathleen Babineaux Blanco. 

Dan Moldea

Veteran journalist Dan Moldea explains the seriousness of the presidential election especially since Donald Trump has become the presumptive nominee. 


Beau Clark & Troy Prevot

Coroner Beau Clark is joined by Troy Prevot from LCTA Workers Comp to talk about the heroin epidemic, and the rise in addiction especially in Louisiana. Clark explains the stages of addiction while Prevot claims that the majority of accidents at work are related to us opiates.

01/12 Tuesday: Governor John Bel Edwards, Nick Saban and Alabama, and Rising Crime in Baton Rouge


Mary Patricia Wray

Mary Patricia Wray is the former Director of Communications for Governor John Bel Edwards.  She is also the owner of Top Drawer Strategies.  She comments today on Governor Edwards transition and his first political disappointment as his House Speaker choice was not elected.  "He is extremely focused on work all the time... but he doesn't stop learning and growing," Wray says of Edwards. 

Michelle Southern

Michelle Southern is the Assistant News Director and a Producer at Louisiana Radio Network.  She gives her opinion on former LSU football coach Nick Saban.  "It's like when your husband leaves you for your best friend, who becomes a supermodel," Southern says. 


Hillar Moore 

Hillar Moore is the District Attorney for Baton Rouge.  He comments on rising crime in the area in and around LSU.  "The lack of education... has a lot to do with where we are," Moore says on crime.  He also asserts that "Faith based organizations do play a significant part," in crime prevention. 

11/23 Monday: John Bel Edwards Wins the Gubernatorial Election, Local Cancer Survivor Jeff Sirlin, and John Bel Edwards' Campaign manager


Don Cazayoux

Don Cazayoux is a former U.S. Attorney, congressman and state representative.  Cazayoux joins Henry to discuss the results of the Louisiana Gubernatorial election.  Cazayoux says that John Bel Edwards was "just the perfect candidate. He's a balanced guy. He's just got a perfect pedigree."

E.L. "Bubba" Henry

E.L. "Bubba" Henry is the former Speaker of the House of Louisiana.  Henry joins Cazayoux to remark on the Gubernatorial win of Democrat John Bel Edwards on Saturday.  Henry says that the endorsement of Jay Dardenne, Lieutenant Governor and former Republican Gubernatorial opponent, helped Edwards on his way to victory. 

Jeff Sirlin

Jeff Sirlin is  the Founder and CEO of Cancer Wellness TV, a two-time cancer survivor, and Huffington Post blogger.  


Mary-Patricia Wray

Mary-Patricia Wray is the General Consultant/Communications Director for the John Bel Edwards campaign for governor.  Although she joined the team in February 2013, her official role was not public until 2014.  She reports from Edwards' camp after Edwards' victory on Saturday.