04/12 Tuesday: Duncan Clark on Alibaba, Kevin Cope, John Ed Bradley on "Hokie" Gajan & Non-Smoking Ordinance


Duncan Clark

 A former advisor to Alibaba in its early years and the author of the new book "Alibaba: The House that Jack Ma Built."  Clark talks about Ma, the founder of Alibaba who started out as an English teacher, and how he built the Chinese firm into a worldwide internet retailing powerhouse in about 15 years.

Kevin Cope

President of the Faculty Senate, Cope comes on the show to discuss running for Faculty Senate another year, the petition for Tiger Band Director Roy King, Tops


John Ed. Bradley 

The famous author, John Ed. Bradley remembers his former teammate, Howard "Hokie" Gajan.  Gajan passed away April 12 at the age of 56.

Henry Turner & Rusty Yates

Henry Turner and Rusty Yates discuss the pros and cons of a non smoking ordinance in the city of Baton Rouge.

Stasha Rhodes, Bronson Frick & Lydia Kuykindal

Stasha Rhodes of the American Heart Society, Bronson Frick of the Americans for Nonsmokers Rights, and Lydia Kuykindal of the American Cancer Society explain reasons for why Baton Rouge should ban smoking from bars and casinos.

01/20 Wednesday: Marriage Hall of Fame, Cigarette Tax, Louisiana Budget, and Financial Analyst


Gene Mills

Reverend Gene Mills is the head of Louisiana Family Forum.  He is looking for the longest married heterosexual couple to join the Louisiana Family Forum Marriage Hall of Fame. 

Lydia KuyKendal

Lydia Kuykendal is the Director of Government Relations for Louisiana at American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network.  She discusses raising the cigarette tax to more than the national average.  She disparages at the proposed 22 cent tax by Governor John Bel Edwards.   


George Sells 

George Sells is a recently retired longtime evening news anchor at WAFB in Baton Rouge.  He discusses the economy and drops in the stock market.  Sells also discusses the Chinese economy and how this affects the United States. 

Tony Guarisco

Tony Guarisco is a former Louisiana state senator who proposed a bill to legalize medical marijuana through a research program in 1978. He discusses the economy and stock market with George Sells.  

Amy Anderson 

Amy Anderson is the Financial Analyst Marketing Director and Investment Advisor Associate at BF Anderson and Co.