01/09 Monday: Baton Rouge Jewish Film Festival, Leo & Nick Saban, Biz Boot Camp, DA Hillar Moore


Ara Rubyan

On January 11, 2017 the 11th annual Baton Rouge Jewish Film Festival will be launching its opening night. The festival features independent films about Jewish culture and will be held at the Manship Theatre, running through to January 15, 2017. Ara Rubyan joins the show to describe the movies that will be premiering this week. www.brjff.com/jim/

Leo Honeycutt & Nick Saban

On the day of the game between Alabama and Clemson, we hear an interview of Nick Saban by Leo Honeycutt.  Saban talks about what makes a championship team and a winning coach.

Ameen Walker

Ameen “THE BIZ FIXER” Walker of First Financial of BR, LLC is hosting a business bootcamp seminar.  Walker shares some business tips on the show for those looking to make more money.  For more info on his free seminar go to www.bizbootcamp.info 


DA Hillar Moore

The district attorney joins the show to discuss the decrease of homicides in the capital city.  Moore talks about the lack of education and poverty and the affect they have on crime rates.  Moore also compares the crime in Baton Rouge since the Alton Sterling incident and what we should look forward to in the new year.

12/14 Monday: Upcoming Senate Race, 2016 Presidential Politics, Crime Victims Reparations Payment, Christmas Gifts, and Bobby Jindal


Jason Hebert

Jason Hebert is a partner in The Political Firm, which he co-founded after managing the Bush-Cheney ‘04 Campaign in Louisiana and Colorado, winning key victories in both states.  The former state Republican Party Executive Director has undertaken over 350 campaigns in the last 19 years.  He discusses the upcoming senate race and the politics surrounding the presidential campaigns.  

Bob Wertz

Bob Wertz is a Law Enforcement Training Manger for the Louisiana Commission on Law Enforcement.  He comments on the reason behind the budget cuts to the Crime Victims Reparations payment.  


Leonce Chavis

Leonce Chavis is the regional sales manager for AT&T.  Chavis shares information on various cell phones, smart phones and other gadgets for Christmas gifts as the holiday season quickly approaches.  

Stephanie Grace

Stephanie Grace is a columnist for The Advocate.  She comments on Bobby Jindal's appearance at the press club and 'his legacy'.