Joe Traigle
Former Louisiana Secretary of Revenue, Joe Traigle now resides in North Carolina and talks to Jim about the setbacks of the state of Louisiana and former Gov. Bobby Jindal. Traigle expresses how Louisiana is one of the poorest performing southern states and how politicians have set us back.
Author Kevin Hazzard
Kevin Hazzard, a former EMT from Atlanta, talks to Jim about his book, A Thousand Naked Strangers. He gives the behind the scenes look at what life is like answering life or death calls, delivering babies and sometimes decides who lives and who dies.
Dr. Chuck Carr Brown secretary of the
Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality
Since jobs were cut in the environmental quality department, Dr. Brown discusses what he plans to do now that he is in office. Brown explains what he plans on improving and taking advantage of as the Sec. of Environmental Quality.
Dr. Sean Illing
Dr. Sean Illing talks to Jim about Super Tuesday on March 1, 2016. He discusses his predictions of the primaries and what he thinks about Donald Trump and his progression throughout the race while keeping his lead on the race to win the presidential election.