10/20 Thursday: Amani Al-Khatahtbeh, Karl Roider, Shaun Assael, Abhay Patel, Gus Weill

Hour One

Amani Al-Khatahtbeh


Amani AL-Khatahtbeh is young Muslim women and author of 'Muslim Girl: A Coming of Age,' where she discusses her experience as a Muslim woman post 9/11. She is the founder and editor-in-chief and founder of muslimgirl.com 

Karl Roider


Roider is a former history professor at Louisiana State University and dropped to give his input on last night's debate and the 2016 race to the presidency. He first joined LSU's staff in 1968.

Shaun Assael

Shaun Assael is an author and investigative journalist. He is a senior writer for ESPN the magazine. He has authored many books but called-in to discuss his book-- 'The Murder of Sonny Liston: Las Vegas, Heroin, and Heavyweights'

Hour Two

Abhay Patel

Republican candidate Abhay Patel announced his withdrawal from the 2016 Louisiana Senate Race and endorsed Republican Charles Boustany. Patel joined the show to speak on his decision.

 Gus Weill




The former public relations specialist and former writer for the LSU Daily Reveille joined Jim to talk about the Reveille's decision to turn into a weekly publication. Weill is originally from Lafayette and now resides in New York City.

07/15 Friday: Real Food/Fake Food, Karl Roider, Hands Up--Greg Williams Jr., Ali Akbar, Quinn Hillyer


Larry Olmsted

Larry reveals the deception that extends from high-end foods like olive oil and Kobe beef to everyday staples such as coffee, honey and cheese. Olmsted explains why buying foods closer to their whole forms is healthier and safer.

Karl Roider Jr.

Former LSU history professor talks about the Turkish military seizing control of the country and the tragedy in Nice, France.

Greg Williams Jr.

Greg Williams Jr., New Venture’s artistic director, who is also is acting in the production, "Hands Up."  Williams joins the show to discuss the importance of the production since the Alton Sterling shooting. The show’s two performances Saturday in LSU’s Claude L. Shaver Theatre come at a time when tension is high between Baton Rouge’s black community and law enforcement.


Ali Akbar

Member of the black conservatives, Akbar joins the show to comment on the effects of the Alton Sterling shooting in the black community.  Akbar also exhausts the importance of the criminal justice reform.

Quin Hillyer

Quin Hillyer is a Conservative and an American newspaper columnist and writer. He talks about Donald Trump speaking at the GOP convention next week.

06/30 Thursday: Death Caused by Medical Errors, Charlie Melancon, Roider on Presidency, George Sells


Dr. Kenny Cole

Dr. Kenny Cole of Baton Rouge General addresses deaths caused by medical errors and ways they can be prevented.

Charlie Melancon

The newest secretary of the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries joins Jim briefly to talk about budget cuts and the status of the department since he has taken office.

Karl Roider

LSU professor Karl Roider talks about the effects terror attacks and immigration on the 2016 presidential race. 


George Sells

Former news anchor George Sells joins Jim for the full second hour and discusses numerous topics including Paul Gates, the presidential candidates and the correct way to address the Democratic Party.