04/03: Monday: Rebuild Louisiana, Don't Divorce, Joyce Burges, Eric Guirard


Julie Baxter Payer

Deputy Chief of Staff for Gov. John Bel Edwards joins the show to talk about Rebuild Louisiana.  The governor will be in Washington this week to stand before Congress to ask for money for those affected by the historic flooding last year.

Diane Medved, Ph.D.

Drawing on three decades of clinical and personal experience, Dr. Medved will show why you should save—and revitalize—your marriage. She expertly unmasks the threats to marriage, including hookup apps that promise non-committal sex, and legions of professionals who are financially invested in your divorce. She punctures one-by-one the arguments in favor of divorce, proving that "the good divorce" is a myth. 


Former Councilwoman Joyce Burges & Eric Guirard

Burges and Guirard join the show to talk about President Trump.  Guirard updates us on his former relationship that was terminated because of his political views and Joyce Burges describes the future of the African American community now that Trump is the President.

09/28 Wednesday: Lester Duhe, Shelter at Home Program with Julie Baxter Payer


Lester Duhe

Lester Duhe, a former football player at Louisiana State University joins Jim on the show to talk about the interim head coach, Ed Orgeron and a little bit about the presidential candidates.

Julie Baxter Payer

Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, Legal and Special Projects, Payer joins the show to talk with callers and Jim about the Louisiana Shelter at Home Program.  Deadline to register for the program is October 15.


Trey Ourso

Trey Ourso is a political consultant joining the show to talk about the presidential debates Monday night.  Ourso discusses Hillary and Donald's campaigns, determining who he feels "won" the debate.