11/29 Wednesday: Lamar White, John Kennedy

Hour 1:

Lamar White

Blogger Lamar White joins guest host Fred Rosenfeld to comment on his new website, the Bayou Brief. He also discusses Louisiana politics and what's going on around the nation. White comments on the recent sexual harassment allegations in the media, politics and in the workplace. 

Hour 2:

John Kennedy

Senator John Kennedy chats with Fred about the Tax Cuts and Jobs Acts. Kennedy comments on what he likes about the plan and what he wishes he could change. 

06/16 Friday: John Kennedy, Humberto Fontova, Lamar White jr., David Diamond

Hour One

John Kennedy

Senator John Kennedy joined Jim as the first guest for today's show. He commented on Steve Scalice, flood relief legislation and possibly running for governor. Kennedy was raised in Zachary and graduated from Vanderbilt University. 

Humberto Fontova

Humberto Fontova is a Cuban-Ameircan author, blogger and political commentator. Fontova was on the air to comment and give his opinion on Trump's latest crackdown on Cuba. Fontova's family came to New Orleans at the age of seven in 1961.

Hour Two

Lamar White and Rev. David Diamond

Lamar White is a liberal blogger and Rev, David Diamond is a conservative. The two men were on the show to debate current issued in our society including taking opposing sides about President. Donald Trump.

08/19 Friday: Treasurer John Kennedy, General Honore, American Humane Society, George Sells, Our Lady of Lake Exec.


John Kennedy

State Treasurer and Senate candidate John Kennedy joins the show to give information about volunteering and donating items that are needed around the city. 

Russel Honore

General Russel Honore is no amateur when it comes to natural disasters.  Honore has been in shelters volunteering and helping all week. On the show Honore talks of his experiences and how they've gotten thousands of people organized in different shelters this week.


Robin Ganzert

Ganzert is the Pres. and CEO of American Humane Society.  She discusses the society's first response efforts.  American Humane is sending rescue trucks from Oklahoma and Pennsylvania with supplies and equipment to shelter up to 100 animals.

George Sells

Former WAFB anchorman George Sells joins the show to vent about what has happened in the community.  Sells compares the storm that flooded the city to Hurricane Agnes in Pennsylvania in 1970. 

Scott Wester

Our Lady of the Lake Chief Executive Officer Scott Wester joins the show to talk about all the Dr.s, Nurses and employees who have helped the patients and community during this storm and tragedy.

7/22 Wednesday: Chattanooga Shooting Victims, Marriage Intimacy Issues, Voting Rights for AfricanAmericans, and State Treasurer John Kennedy,


John Kennedy 

John Kennedy is the Louisiana State Treasurer.  Kennedy comments on the recent agreement regarding the BP oil lawsuit.  Kennedy expresses his concern for the settlement's future.   @JohnKennedyLA @LATreasury

Charles Steele Jr. 

Charles Steele Jr. was the first African American elected to the City Council of Tuscaloosa and one of the first African Americans elected to the Alabama State Senate.  Steele is also the President and CEO of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference.  He was also a friend of the pastor who was killed in the recent Charleston shootings.  He discusses voting rights issues for African Americans and the controversy surrounding the Confederate Flag.  He will also comment on the Miss USA pageant.  


Michael Gurian

Michael Gurian is a renowned marriage and family counselor.  He joins Jim today to share his new book Lessons of Lifelong Intimacy.  @MichaelGurian1

Ron Richard

Ron Richard is the former commanding General of marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.  He comments on the deaths of the five marines at the Chattanooga Shooting.  Richard also discusses Donald Trump as a presidential candidate and the qualities needed to hold the office.

TUESDAY: Photography, Oklahoma City Bombing, State Treasurer John Kennedy, and Cuba Policy


Photographer Lynsey Addario shares her book It's What I Do.  "I sort of try to start every story with a blank page... but so often it's tragic... very devastating things." 

Addario shares her experiences working in Pakistan and Afghanistan.  She focuses a lot on women's issues.  "Yes, these stories take a toll, but I remember the fact that I was raised in privilege and can leave at any time." 

She speaks about her experience as an American in foreign countries and what the general opinion of Americans is.  "I think people hold a real grudge towards America because of its policies." 

She has one the Pulitzer Prize for her work.  She describes a time in which she was kidnapped and beaten with other journalists.  Addario is currently working on a story about the African migrants.  

Scott Bud Welch is a father of one of the victims of the Oklahoma City Bombing of 1995.  He remembers the tragedy with us today.  He describes the year following his daughter's death.  "I finally came to the conclusion that the day they took Tim McVay from his cage would not be part of my healing process... You cannot go through the healing process as long as you're living with revenge."  He speaks about how his protests against the death penalty allowed him to heal.  

"When your parents die, you go to the hilltop to bury them.  When your children die, you bury them in your heart.  It never goes away," Welch says.  


State Treasurer John Kennedy comments on the budget.  The budget deficit now is projected at 1.8 billion.  The hospitals are short 142 million dollars.  

He is running for reelection.  

We get 50 million dollars in settlement with the tobacco companies per year for the next 8 years.  

Kennedy says, "I'm especially conservative fiscally... I would go to Republicans in a different party and they would help me... so I switched." 


Linguist, Historian, and Author Aviva Chomsky gives her insight on the new policy to do with Cuba.  "Cuba has repeatedly made overtures to try to achieve relations with the United States."  The United States is the only country in the world that has tried to make trade embargoes against Cuba.  

The Cuban American Right Wing is the only section of the United States that Chomsky feels is against relations with Cuba.

"Pretty much every country in Latin America has carried out policies that you or I or the US Government might not like... how do they compare to Cuba's policies?" Chomsky says, asking why the United States is so hostile towards Cuba.  

A caller remarks against her views.  

WEDNESDAY: Meditation, Foreign Policy, Sale of Louisiana Lottery, Budget, The Gridiron Show


Author Christina Crook shares her book The Joy of Missing Out: Finding Balance in a Wired World.  She discusses the nostalgia of hand written letters and comments on the strange and inappropriate places people are on their phones, such as funerals.  

Washington Journalist and Blogger Jim Lobe comments on his recent post about Senator Cotton.  "I do see him as being very consciously promoted by the neo-conservative movement," Lobe says of Cotton, "Cotton is clearly taking as much advantage as he can of the spotlight... he's very ambitious, and quite smart also."  One of Tom Cotton's professors at Harvard was Elizabeth Warren.  

State Treasurer John Kennedy comments on the reports that Governor Jindal will sell the Louisiana Lottery to balance the state budget.  Kennedy says, "The whole treasury is under a lot of pressure.  I wouldn't dangle 400, 500, or 700 million dollars in front of them right now."  He continues, "It'll take more than one legislative session to get out of this mess.  It took us seven years to get into it."  The treasurer confirms that there is irrefutable evidence that talks about selling the Louisiana Lottery are currently in the works.  


Executive Director of the Louisiana Democratic Party Stephen Handwerk discusses the GOP candidates and their strategic distancing from Governor Jindal.  "This governor seems to be conducting his own personal fire auction, and I wish I could say that it's surprising," Handwerk continues, "All he's doing is pailing water out of a sinking ship."  He also comments on Common Core.  He calls Senator David Vitter and Governor Bobby Jindal political "weathervanes."  He adds, "I don't know how anyone can swear an oath to office and then pledge to something like Grover Norquist."  Handwerk says, "Taxes are not popular, but you know what else is not popular?  Potholes!"  There is a report that Louisiana is 3rd in the country for unemployment.  Handwerk calls the three Republican candidates running for governor "minions." 

Lawyer and former Journalist Julie Baxter talks about the upcoming WAFB Gridiron Show.  It is a week from Friday and Saturday at the American Legions Hall.  The tickets are 25$.  The tables are for tables of ten.  "It's all in good humor," Baxter says, "though we have had some people get testy."  

"I think Mike and Alice Foster enjoyed it the most," she says.