02/09 Tuesday: Melissa Zeno-White, Touch: The Science of Hand, Heart, and Mind, Vincent J. Bruno, Edward Klein, Jensen Moore

Hour 1:

Melissa Zeno

Melissa Zeno is a former dance member of the Saintsations.  She talks to Jim today about staying healthy despite age, by explaining the 43 essential nutrients necessary to live a healthy life.  Find out more information about the essentials at www.yevo43.com.

Touch: The Science of Hand, Heart & Mind.



David J. Linden, Ph.D., is a professor in the Solomon H. Snyder Department of Neuroscience at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine.  His laboratory has worked for many years on the cellular substrates of memory storage, recovery of function following brain injury and a few other topics.  Today he discusses the importance of touch in our lives and different cultures throughout the world while talking about his most recent book, Touch: The science of Hand, Heart & Mind.

Police Strikes shut down Mardi Gras in 1979

Former police officer Vincent Bruno talks about a series of police strikes that resulted in the cancellation of Mardi Gras in New Orleans 1979.  


Hour 2

Edward Klein

Edward Klein is a well-known editor, writer and public speaker with a distinguished career in American journalism.   As editor in chief of The New York Times Magazine, he led this flagship publication of the Sunday Times to new heights of public interest and editorial excellence. During his editorship, The New York Times Magazine won the first Pulitzer Prize in its history.  He discusses his views on Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump along with his most recent book, Unlikeable: The Problem with Hillary Clinton.

Jensen Moore

Jensen Moore completed her doctorate at the University of Missouri School of Journalism with specializations in strategic and health communication. She's an assistant professor of Mass Communication at LSU. She joins Jim today to discuss some of her favorite Superbowl advertisements that include former Louisiana State University football player, Odell Beckham Jr., and even talks about the halftime show with Beyonce and Coldplay.

MONDAY: Ava Haymon, Moira Crone, Richard Sexton, Jensen Moore, Foster Campbell, and William Taylor


Poet Laureate of Louisiana Ava Haymon comments on the upcoming Celebration of Literary Arts in St. Francisville.  

Author Moira Crone joins the show to discuss her book.  She will also be in attendance of the St. Francisville Celebration of Literary Arts.  She shares her opinion on what drives writers.  

Photographer Richard Sexton will also be attending the Celebration of Literary Arts in St. Francisville.  He shares his perspective on the culture of New Orleans and Latin America and discusses his book.  

LSU Professor of Mass Communications Jensen Moore comments on the Superbowl commercials.  Every 30 seconds of commercial during the Super Bowl costs 4.5 million dollars.  111.5 million people watched the 2015 Super Bowl.  The Budweiser 'lost dog' commercial is at the top of the Super Bowl Ad Meter.  The Always 'like a girl' commercial was the number two Super Bowl commercial. 

Moore comments on the half time show.  


Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell comments on the shrinking Democratic Party.  "They don't want to do the right thing, they just want to do the republican/democratic thing," Campbell says of politicians.  Campbell says payday loans "ought to be about morality."  Campbell comments on the oil and gas industry.  "He's not going to be the next president," he says of Governor Bobby Jindal, "he's going to spend the rest of his life as a lobbyist." 

"I think people as a whole like a politician to tell it like it is," Campbell says.  

William Taylor "the unofficial Saints historian" comments on the Super Bowl.  "The ending was storybook," Taylor says.  The Patriots won the Super Bowl for the 4th time in 14 years.  

Taylor discusses the stats of the Hall of Fame members.