07/05 Tuesday: TWA 800, Mayor of Central, LA, Prem Burns on Hillary and FBI, Fayard running for Senate, Roy Fletcher


Jack Cashill 

This July marks the 20th anniversary of the shoot down of TWA Flight 800 off the coast of Long Island. Author Jack Cashill's book TWA 800: the Crash, the Cover-Up and the Conspiracy explores the possibility of conspiracy behind this tragedy.

James Shelton

Mayor of Central, LA, James Shelton joins the show to talk about the city's 11th Anniversary.  Central will celebrate the founding of the City of Central with a giant Birthday Bash beginning at 6 p.m. on Saturday, July 16 at Wildcat Stadium.

Prem Burns

There will be no charges recommended by the FBI in regards to Hillary Clinton and the email investigation. Prosecutor Prem Burns joins the show to give her opinion on the FBI's recommendation.


Caroline Fayard

Caroline Fayard joins the show in the beginning of the second hour to promote her candidacy in the U.S. Senate race.  Fayard describes her goals if elected to office and her support for Hillary Clinton.

Roy Fletcher

Political consultant Roy Fletcher talks with Jim about the senate and presidential race.

05/19 Thursday: Update from the Capitol, Jack Cashill on EgyptAir Crash, Footography, A Bathroom of One's Own, Venessa Lewis and Michael Wolf on Stripper Amendment.


Mark Ballard

Mark Ballard of The Advocate joins Jim to talk about the remarks made on Wednesday by Representative Kenny Havard about the weight and age limit of strippers in Louisiana. He also mentions the equal pay and medical marijuana bill.

Jack Cashill

Jack Cashill  is an independent writer, producer and the Executive Editor of Ingram’s Magazine. His upcoming book, TWA 800: The Cover-Up & Conspiracy gives way for Cashill and Jim to talk about the EgyptAir crash that occurred on Wednesday.

Lauren Jenifer Gates

The former playmate talks to Jim about her book, Footography and tells the story of how she sang Happy Birthday to Hugh Heffner.


Peter Schuck

Professor Schuck talks to Jim about the transgender bathroom mandate and the importance of the issue.  Schuck's article, "A Bathroom of One's Own," appeared in the New York Times May 18, 2016.

Venessa Lewis

The Louisiana Mermaid has started an online petition about the 'joke' amendment created by Jackson Rep. Kenny Havard.  Lewis talks about trafficking in Baton Rouge and wants Havard to apologize.

Michael Wolf

Attorney Michael Wolf takes an opposing view of guest Venessa Lewis on the remarks made by Rep. Havard about strippers.  Wolf expresses his reasons for feeling that the comments were blown out of proportion.