10/28 Friday: Gunslinger, Henson Moore, Constance Hale, Sharon Broome candidate for Mayor-President.


Jeff Pearlman

The American Sports writer joins the show to talk about his recent book, Gunslinger.  Gunslinger tells the story of Brett Favre’s, using more than five hundred interviews. Pearlman charts an unparalleled journey from his rural childhood and high school football career to landing the last scholarship at Southern Mississippi.

Henson Moore

Henson Moore is a retired attorney and businessman who is a former member of the U.S. House of Representatives, having represented Louisiana's 6th congressional district.  He joins the show to talk about his life in Louisiana politics and discusses the difference in politicians and campaigns today.

Constance Hale

Constance Hale presents the largely untold story of the hula dance tradition, using the twin keyholes of Kumu Patrick Makuakane.  The art of hula is thriving in cities all over the country and the world, but it is not always understood. In her book, The Natives Are Restless, Makuakane’s exuberant, fierce, sensuous dance style come alive on the page.


Sharon Broome

Broome is running for Mayor-President of Baton Rouge.  She joins the show to talk about what Baton Rouge needs to focus on the most.  Broome talks with callers about some of the issues for which they are concerned.

MONDAY: Henson Moore, Alex Martin, Tara Hollis and Roy Fletcher


Former Congressman and Deputy White House Chief of Staff Henson Moore shares his viewpoints on the national and state political landscape.  He comments on another round of anticipated funding cuts to higher education in Louisiana.  

Moore discusses his belief that the greatest problem in our country is the sharp divide among political ideals and the lack of compromise.  "If you want something done or you want to solve a problem, generally you have to compromise," Moore says.  
Henson Moore spearheaded the Forever LSU Campaign which raised more than $750 million.

"I don't think any of us think this will be reversed," Moore says of the budget cuts to higher education, "I don't think we will ever received more funding." 

Moore describes the year of reelection between President Bill Clinton and Ross Perot and President George Bush Sr.  He says, "It was the worst of times because we were the White House Staff, and we failed." 

"One thing I have noticed is that the government pay roll has come down since he's been there," Moore says of Governor Jindal.  He continues, "Louisiana does have too many universities for its size,"  

Henson Moore discusses the potential front runners for the upcoming governor's race.  "I'm not sure that Louisiana is a red state yet when it comes to a statewide election," Moore says.


Deputy Managing Editor/Page One Editor of the Wall Street Journal Alex Martin discusses his opinion on NBC Anchor Brian Williams.  Alex Martin graduated from the Manship School of Mass Communication in 1981 with Jim.

Martin describes his personal experience with Hurricane Katrina and his disbelief at the flooding on Canal Street.  They discuss whether Brian Williams' career will survive the scandal.  "Everyday it's drip, drip, drip, more stories are embellished, more are misremembered," Martin says.     

Brian Williams just signed a 4 year $40 million dollar contract.  Jim points out, "Even for NBC, that is a lot of money."

Tara Hollis joins us to discuss the upcoming governor's race.  She is a teacher.  She received 18% of the vote in the 2011 Louisiana's governor's race.  In the 2011 governor's race, Hollis spent $18 thousand dollars and received 18% of the vote.  Governor Jindal spent $10 million dollars and received 66%  of the vote.

She comments on the Common Core program and parrc testing, declaring her belief that it will be a "disaster" this year.  Hollis also shares her creation for digital lesson plans.


Political Consultant Roy Fletcher joins the show to discuss how the Louisiana governor's race has changed over the past two decades.  

He describes his experiences in past campaigns.  Fletcher discusses what he thinks the big issues will be in the 2016 governor's race.