11/30 Wednesday: David Moore, North Pole Ninjas, Foster Campbell


David Moore

David W. Moore is a senior fellow with the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire. He is a former Vice President of the Gallup Organization and Managing Editor of the Gallup Poll, where he worked from 1993 until 2006. Moore joins the show to talk about the recount demanded by presidential candidate Jill Stein.

Sarah Linden & Tyler Knott Gregson

Authors of North Pole Ninjas: Mission: Christmas. Anyone who reads this book is called upon to help carry out top-secret missions with a bit of stealth and an open heart to help save Christmas.


Foster Campbell

Foster Campbell is in a runoff with John Kennedy.  Campbell talks about his campaign and what he values the most in this Senate race.  He elaborates on what he will do if he wins and speaks with callers about the issues.

11/07 Monday: Eve of Elections; Caroline Fayard, John Fleming, Foster Campbell, Renee Chatelain, Bernie Pinsonat, Darrell Glasper


Caroline Fayard

Senate candidate Fayard joins the show at the beginning of the show to talk about her campaign.  She addresses misrepresentations by Foster Campbell and distinguishes herself from the other candidates.

John Fleming

Senate candidate joins the show to talk about his campaign and how Donald Trump would prove to be a much better President in terms of the Justice system.

Foster Campbell

Commissioner Foster Campbell talks about the allegations from Caroline Fayard's campaign in the Senate race.  Campbell talks about the presidential race and his position in the Senate race.

Renee Chatelain

CEO of the Baton Rouge Art Council Renee Chatelain chats with Jim about the Manship Theatre's decision to promote Louisiana's recent ties with Cuba. Manuel Valera and New Cuban Express will perform November 10 at 7:30 pm


Bernie Pinsonat

Pollster from Southern Media and Opinion Research, Bernie joins the show to predict outcomes of the senate and Presidential election. 

Darrell Glasper

Darrell Glasper is a Republican and joins the show alongside Bernie to talk about his views on the Presidential election and its outcomes.

10/24 Monday: Letters of Note, Foster Campbell, Mary's Mosaic, Alex Martin


Shaun Usher

Shaun Usher has compiled an online museum of notable letters which to date has been visited almost 100 million times. Four years later, that website spawned a much-anticipated book called Letters of Note. 

Foster Campbell

LA Public Service Commissioner, Campbell joins the show to talk about his U.S. Senate campaign and what sets him apart from his competitors.


Peter Janney

Peter Janney traces important events and influences in the life of Mary Pinchot Meyer—including her first meeting with the president of the United States, as he turned away from the Cold War toward the pursuit of world peace. Janney focuses on Meyer’s alleged assassin and the facts or lies that depicted her death.

Alex Martin

Graduate of LSU and editor of The Wall Street Journal joins the show as a result of LSU's Daily Reveille reducing to a weekly paper.  Martin explains that papers are running out of time to transfer from print journalism and even larger papers like the Journal are also experiencing difficulties with subscriptions in the digital era.

06/01 Wednesday: U.S. Senate Candidates Campbell and Fleming, Bernie Pinsonat


Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell

Campbell talks with Jim about Governor Edward's support of his running  for Senate.  Campbell talks with callers about some of the issues he feels passionate about.


Congressman John Fleming 

Congressman John Fleming is a conservative republican also running for U.S. Senate.  He feels that Obamacare is wrong and expresses his views and opinions on government.

Bernie Pinsonat

Pollster Bernie Pinsonat says State Treasurer John Kennedy has a large lead with the upcoming U.S. Senate election. In a Southern Media and Opinion Research poll of 500 likely voters, Pinsonat says the poll shows Kennedy's favorable rating is a 62%.

04/05 Tuesday: Blue's Fest, Seat Yourself, Edmond Jordan, Commissioner Foster Campbell, Author Juan Campbell, Justin Roberts


Chris Brooks with Blues Festival

Chairman Chris Brooks comes on the show to talk about the Blues Festival downtown.  The Baton Rouge Blues Foundation proudly brings the 22nd annual Baton Rouge Blues Festival to downtown Baton Rouge Saturday, April 9, 2016, from 11:30 a.m. to 10:30 p.m. and Sunday April, 10, 2016, from 11:15 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., located in and around Repentance Park and Galvez Plaza.

Alex V. Cook


Alex Cook comes on the show to talk about his book that includes venue information, personal recommendations, and entertaining anecdotes for locations around Louisiana.  The book is titled, Seat Yourself: The Best of South Louisiana's Local Diners, Lunch Houses, and Roadside Stops.

Edmond Jordan

Edmond Jordan has been an attorney for 17 years, representing the Louisiana Public Service Commission, The Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality and The United States Department of Homeland Security, in addition to private practice.  He is running for the open seat of District 29.


Commissioner Foster Campbell

The Commissioner is a Democratic candidate for the United States Senate seat being vacated by the Republican David Vitter. The primary election will coincide with the presidential general election.  Campbell explains the effects this coincidence will have on the outcomes of both elections.

Juan Williams

Author of "We the People," and political analyst for FOX News.  In his book, Williams reveals how each of our modern-day founders have extended the Founding Fathers original vision and changed fundamental aspects of our country.


Justin Roberts

Jim speaks briefly with U.S. Army Chaplain (Capt.) Justin Roberts. In his upcoming documentary "No Greater Love," Roberts sets out to bridge this gap between the American public and its combat veterans through extensive footage he shot in Afghanistan and follow-up interviews with soldiers and Gold Star wives and families.  This film will be featured in the International Film Festival.

02/25 Thursday: Pres. Michael Waldman, Chancellor John Pierre, Tom Aswell: Louisiana Voice, Gary Wilkerson, Commissioner Foster Campbell, Amanda Haas: Anti-Inflammation Cookbook


President of the Brennan Center for Justice, Michael Waldman

President Michael Waldman discusses the topic of voting and voicing our opinion as a nation while introducing his book, The Fight to Vote. Waldman talks to Jim about the history of voting rights in the U.S., contemporary voter registration laws and issues, the role of super-PACs (political action committees) in campaign finance, and voter fraud.

Chancellor of Southern University Law School, John Pierre

Chancellor Pierre is on the show to talk about the “2016: The Year of Charles J. Hatfield III” celebration at the Southern University Law Center (SULC), on Friday, February 26. The Law Center will host a commemoration of the 30th anniversary of  landmark cases that led to greater diversity in the Louisiana State Judiciary.  The 30th Anniversary Commemoration of Clark v. Roemer and Chisom v. Edwards will be held at 11 a.m. Friday.

Tom Aswell : Louisiana Voice



Tom Aswell, the man behind the website, Louisiana Voice is on the show to talk to Jim about his views on the presidential election, proposed taxes, and the topics that surface among a few other guests today.

Gary Wilkerson

Gary Wilkerson is on the show to talk about Kergan Bros. SONIC and their investment in child safety seats for families in need.  In New Orleans, SONIC representatives presented a check to University Medical Center New Orleans’ Louisiana Passenger Safety Task Force for the purchase of car seats at 11 a.m.  At the event, five families were among the first to receive car seats. Safety Task Force members installed the seats.

Families in need throughout the state can sign up for free seats at http://www.umcno.org/injuryprevention. The Louisiana Passenger Safety Task Force, run by the UMC New Orleans Level 1 Trauma Program, will then purchase and distribute the child safety seats based on family needs.


Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell

Public Service Commissioner Foster Campbell discusses the reason for the rejection of the proposed $5 billion sale of Cleco Corp., Wednesday by the Louisiana Public Service Commission.  He also announces that he is running for the U.S. Senate, why he feels he would make a good candidate and about his support from Gov. John Bel Edwards.

Amanda Haas : The Anti-Inflammation Cookbook

Amanda Haas talks about the different recipes listed in her book that could be healthier alternatives, especially for those who have health issues.