Hour 1:
John Barry
Author John Barry chats with Jim about the upcoming anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. He says if we don't stop the coast from melting away, the water will be at our doorsteps.
Barry says there is no way to completely protect us from coastal erosion. He believes the oil and gas industry should pay for their part in restoring the coast.
Gordon Mese
Former candidate for Mayor Gordon Mese chats with us about his recent bicycle accident on his way home from a memorial service of a fellow cyclist, who was hit and killed. He says people need to learn there is a place for everyone on the road.
Hour 2:
Eric Boehlert
Writer for Media Matters Eric Boehlert chats with Jim to talk about troubles with Rush Limbaugh. Vice President of Louisiana Radio Network and former general manager of the Arkansas Radio Network Neal Gladner joins the conversation to give another perspective on Rush moving networks.
Chris Warner
Author Chris Warner discusses his new book in the works about the life and death of Scott Rogers. Warner explains the first time he met Scott and says he was a likable person.
Warner says everything that came out about Rogers after the murder-suicide was true. He says Rogers was able to cover up his part in England and make a new life in Baton Rouge.
Governor's Q & A
What's your position on Governor Jindal's decision to cut Medicaid funding to Planned Parenthood clinics and as governor is there any legislation you would push for to limit abortions in Louisiana?
Scott Angelle says this is a topic close to his heart because he is one of 9 children and has 5 of his own. He says he is pro-life and believes everyone pro-life should also be pro-adoption.
Jay Dardenne believes women's healthcare is very important. He says Louisiana does not need to be funding programs, like Planned Parenthood, which show so little regard for human life.
John Bel Edwards says he is pro-life and wants to ensure women have easy access to healthcare. He says he supports cutting Medicaid but wants to provide another option.
David Vitter did not answer.