11/28 Monday: Protect Our Protectors, Coach O with Glenn Guilbeau, Joshua Jelly-Schapiro, Ali Akbar & Bill Bryan, Gisela Chevalier


Clay Young & Leo Verde

Leo Verde, the GM of Sullivan's and Clay Young join the show to promote a Protect Our Protectors Benefit to celebrate Baton Rouge's officers of the law.  Money raised at the benefit will be used to buy safety equipment for officers.

Glenn Guilbeau

LSU has hired Coach Ed Orgeron as it's new head coach and columnist Glenn Guilbeau thinks it made a mistake.  Guilbeau joins the show to talk about the hiring process and the university's first pick. 

Joshua Jelly-Schapiro

Joshua's book, Nonstop Metropolis allows us to excavate New York’s buried layers, to scrutinize its political heft, and to discover the unexpected in one of the most iconic cities in the world. It is both a challenge and homage to how New Yorkers think of their city, and how the world sees this capital of capitalism, culture, immigration, and more.


Ali Akbar & Bill Bryan

Repulican Ali Akbar and Attorney Bill Bryan join the show to discuss a possible recount of the popular vote for the presidential election.  Akbar welcomes the left to "waste their money" on a recount.  Bryan and Akbar also discuss predictions for the senate race in Louisiana.

Gisela Chevalier

Native of Cuba, Chevalier joins the show to talk about the reign of Fidel Castro.  She remembers executions, the power and control of the tyrant days after his death.

THURSDAY: Jessica Jain, Faye Williams, Clay Young, Dietmar Rietschier, and David Melville



Actress and singer Jessica Jain joins the show to promote her upcoming performance at the Swine Palace.  She is a 2013 graduate of LSU.  Jain describes her first time driving onto LSU campus.  She said, "The trees spoke to me... does that make me sound crazy?"  She performs a song from an upcoming show.    

Dr. Faye Williams and Political Consultant Clay Young discuss the upcoming controversial visit of Reverend Jeremiah Wright to Southern University.  "It doesn't matter who the speaker is... Education should teach you how to think not what to think," Faye says.  "I personally don't think that any racially incendiary comments are helpful to anyone," Young says.

"It always seems to come down to a racial or poor people thing," Faye says of social security debates.  


Dietmar Rietschier joins us to recollect the Dresden bombings at the end of World War II.  He was two years old during the bombing, and his mother carried him away to safety.  He describes a fence his family had to climb over to escape the area being bombed.  "The intensity was such inside the city that the air was basically sucked in... like a hurricane."  

He remembers his mother fondly and the "little stories" she would tell him over the years.  

United Methodist Minister David Melville describes his experience running against John Fleming.  He remarks that retrospect has shown what little chance he had because of amount of money he did not have.  "Sometimes pastors are too naive, too passive," he says.  

John Fleming and Bill Cassidy announced his official support for David Vitter today.

David Melville is the director of Christ in the City.  

He feels that Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Wright goes "overboard."